In this second story of Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) at Camosun College, I take a look at Community Learning Partnerships (CLP) “a department of the School of Access, that takes education to community-based sites to make it easier to begin or return to learning. Students learn in a comfortable environment with other adults who share similar backgrounds and get help from friendly and compassionate Camosun instructors and staff. CLP can be a starting point in getting ready to transfer to on-campus college programs.” Current CLP sites include Victoria Native Friendship Centre, W̱SÁNEĆ College, Bridges for Women, Island Community Mental Health, and Malahat Nation.
CLP offers upgrading courses in Math and English, in-person, blended, and online asynchronous. There is a long history of creating ZTC courses in CLP, especially in the math courses through the adaptation of open texts and use of the open homework platform, MyOpenMath to create problem sets that can be shared with faculty across the department. MyOpenMath is “an online course management and assessment system for mathematics and other quantitative fields. It is also a collaborative community of users. Questions and pre-built courses are all created by faculty in the user community and shared with others in the spirit of openness. Experienced users provide peer-to-peer support through discussion forums.”
Because CLP programs are tuition free for domestic students, and because faculty in CLP are dedicated to ensuring that their courses are as accessible as possible, moving them to ZTC makes a lot of sense. But like all faculty at Camosun, faculty in CLP face challenges doing this work, and one of the biggest challenges is time. Time to fine alternate zero-cost resources to a paid textbook and/or to adopt/adapt/create Open Educational Resources (OER) for their courses. And this is especially true for term faculty who do not have scheduled development time, or any development time beyond keeping up with teaching the courses they are hired to teach. While we currently don’t have options for funding or release for faculty doing this work, CETL and the library do provide some support to help faculty find resources and around how to adopt and adapt them, and BCcampus is also a great source for support around course materials and platforms for open delivery.
I want to thank the CLP Chair, Doug Harrison, and all faculty in his department for taking the time to send me this information. Now, here is a list of CLP ZTC courses from Fall 2024:
- MATH 021, 022, 023, 024, 025, 026 (4+ sections of each)
- MATH 037, 038, 039, 072, 073 (at least 1 section of each)
- MATH 052, 053, 057, 075 (3+ sections of each – these sections also use MyOpenMath)
- ENGL050 (6+ sections)
In addition, several course sections (including courses other than those listed earlier) are using Open Textbooks, including adaptations of open textbooks by Puja Gupta who teaches Math 052, 053, 072, 073, 075
- MATH021: Adult Literacy Fundamental Mathematics: Book 1 – 2nd Edition (BCcampus)
- MATH022: Adult Literacy Fundamental Mathematics: Book 2 – 2nd Edition (BCcampus)
- MATH023: Adult Literacy Fundamental Mathematics: Book 3 – 2nd Edition (BCcampus)
- MATH024: Adult Literacy Fundamental Mathematics: Book 4 – 2nd Edition (BCcampus)
- MATH025: Adult Literacy Fundamental Mathematics: Book 5 – 2nd Edition (BCcampus)
- MATH026: Adult Literacy Fundamental Mathematics: Book 6 – 2nd Edition (BCcampus)
- MATH052: Basic Review, Intermediate Algebra I, CLP Math website
- MATH053: Basic Review, Intermediate Algebra I, CLP Math website
- MATH 075:
- ENGL023, 024, 025 and 033 all use adapted material from BC Reads: Adult Literacy Fundamental English – Course Pack 3, 4, 5 and 6 (6+ sections)
- ENGL050: College Skills: Intermediate English (Coast Mountain College)
I will be back again on a few weeks with our next ZTC at Camosun Story!