Zero Textbook Cost Courses at Camosun Story #2: Community Learning Partnerships

In this second story of Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) at Camosun College, I take a look at Community Learning Partnerships (CLP) “a department of the School of Access, that takes education to community-based sites to make it easier to begin or return to learning. Students learn in a comfortable environment with other adults who share similar backgrounds and get help from friendly and compassionate Camosun instructors and staff. CLP can be a starting point in getting ready to transfer to on-campus college programs.” Current CLP sites include Victoria Native Friendship Centre, W̱SÁNEĆ College, Bridges for Women, Island Community Mental Health, and Malahat Nation.

CLP offers upgrading courses in Math and English, in-person, blended, and online asynchronous. There is a long history of creating ZTC courses in CLP, especially in the math courses through the adaptation of open texts and use of the open homework platform, MyOpenMath to create problem sets that can be shared with faculty across the department. MyOpenMath is “an online course management and assessment system for mathematics and other quantitative fields. It is also a collaborative community of users. Questions and pre-built courses are all created by faculty in the user community and shared with others in the spirit of openness. Experienced users provide peer-to-peer support through discussion forums.”

Because CLP programs are tuition free for domestic students, and because faculty in CLP are dedicated to ensuring that their courses are as accessible as possible, moving them to ZTC makes a lot of sense. But like all faculty at Camosun, faculty in CLP face challenges doing this work, and one of the biggest challenges is time. Time to fine alternate zero-cost resources to a paid textbook and/or to adopt/adapt/create Open Educational Resources (OER) for their courses. And this is especially true for term faculty who do not have scheduled development time, or any development time beyond keeping up with teaching the courses they are hired to teach. While we currently don’t have options for funding or release for faculty doing this work, CETL and the library do provide some support to help faculty find resources and around how to adopt and adapt them, and BCcampus is also a great source for support around course materials and platforms for open delivery.

I want to thank the CLP Chair, Doug Harrison, and all faculty in his department for taking the time to send me this information. Now, here is a list of CLP ZTC courses from Fall 2024:

  • MATH 021, 022, 023, 024, 025, 026 (4+ sections of each)
  • MATH 037, 038, 039, 072, 073 (at least 1 section of each)
  • MATH 052, 053, 057, 075 (3+ sections of each – these sections also use MyOpenMath)
  • ENGL050 (6+ sections)

In addition, several course sections (including courses other than those listed earlier) are using Open Textbooks, including adaptations of open textbooks by Puja Gupta who teaches Math 052, 053, 072, 073, 075

I will be back again on a few weeks with our next ZTC at Camosun Story!

Zero Textbook Cost Courses at Camosun Story #1: Social Sciences

Last November I sent in a new set of Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) numbers for Camosun’s Strategic Plan metrics, Goal 2: “Deliver outstanding flexible learning opportunities to support students’ evolving educational needs.” Everyone is doing amazing work, and the number of reported ZTC courses at the college went from approximately 150 courses in 2023 to 436 in 2024.

The purpose of this next series of Open Education at Camosun stories is to showcase some of the courses and course sections at Camosun that are providing cost-free course resources for students. I will be talking to the various course instructors and their chairs over the next while to ensure that the information I provide here is accurate and supportive, so the stories will likely be spread out over the next several months. So, in anticipation of more, here is what I can tell you now about how many courses in our various Schools are Zero Textbook Cost.

Access: 92
Arts and Science: 161
Health and Human Services: 17
School of Business: 36
Centre for Sport Exercise Education: 49
Trades and Tech: 81

ZTC Story #1: Social Sciences

For this first story of Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) courses (by department or program) at Camosun College, I thought I would celebrate Social Sciences. This department runs classes in at least five different disciplines and offers several courses that are zero textbook cost, some of which are also using Open Textbooks.

NOTES: “All required readings provided through D2L” means that the course D2L site includes links to external resources on the Internet, links to library electronic resources, course notes, and Open Educational Resources (OER) linked to or pulled into the course site. I also want to thank the Social Sciences Chair, Katie Waterhouse, and all faculty in her department for taking the time to send me this information.

Now, here is a list of Social Science ZTC courses from Fall 2024:

ANTH104: Introduction to Anthropology – all required readings provided through D2L

ANTH204: The Anthropology of Food – all required readings provided through D2L

ANTH260: Human Evolution and Diversity – all required lab readings provided through D2L, also using an Open Textbook: Explorations: An Open Invitation to Biological Anthropology (

ANTH280: The Anthropology of Death – all required readings provided through D2L

GEOG100: Environment and Sustainability – all required readings provided through D2L

GEOG105: Geography of B.C. – all required readings provided through D2L

GEOG111: Natural Hazards – all required readings provided through D2L

GSWS110: Women, Knowledge, Sex, & Power– all required readings provided through D2L, also using an Open Textbook: Introduction to Women, Gender, Sexuality Studies (

GSWS204: Gender and Globalization – all required readings provided through D2L

SOC112: Racialization and Ethnicity – all required readings provided through D2L

SOC162 – all required readings provided through D2L

In addition, there are some courses in Anthropology that are Low Textbook Cost, including:

Anth 110: Gender Across Cultures – uses one book costing less than $30, also using an Open Textbook: Gendered lives: Global issues. (

Anth 290: Science of Identity – uses one book under $30, which is also available in the Camosun Library.

I want to end this post with a note that I understand not every course at the college can move to ZTC as there are many paid textbooks that support students meeting course outcomes. But if there are opportunities to save students money and still meet learning outcomes, I and others in CETL and the Library are available for discussions with faculty who may want to learn more about Open Textbooks in their discipline or about ZTC options for their subject areas.

I’ll be back in a couple of weeks with our next ZTC story.

Open Education Story: Susan

Susan is passionate about providing high quality Open Educational Resources for her students and 10 years ago discovered and began using an Open textbook (Open Intro Statistics) and online homework system (My Open Math) for her STAT 116 course. Her goal for the near future is to, after many years of searching, find an open textbook for another statistics course or to create a zero-cost course pack for the students. Susan’s Chair Patrick Montgomery also had this to say “The work to support an evolving discipline such as statistics is ongoing, as new examples appear regularly and can only be included in the classroom by either buying new and expensive textbooks or by spending the time and effort to incorporate the information into in-house course packs. Susan is a department leader in building online resources for her classes and has made Statistics even more affordable.”

Susan has been a faculty member at Camosun since 1998, and I first interviewed her back in 2021 about her experiences moving to online teaching during the pandemic. Since then, I have learned that Susan is passionate about providing students with low and no-cost course materials (she received an Open Education Recognition Award in March 2024) and I wanted to find out more about her journey into creating course resources and adapting open textbooks.

After studying in China, Susan went to Simon Fraser University where she received her master’s degree in Statistics. When she came to Camosun, she was the first statistician in the department and in addition to teaching statistics courses, selected software and textbooks for them, took care of credit transfer and articulation, and wrote lab manuals for using statistical software which she sold in the Camosun bookstore and put online. “I was also the textbook rep for both Math and Statistics for 15 years and was able to negotiate textbook discounts for students.” Statistical software was also pricy, so Susan negotiated lower prices where she could, until moved to Excel and R which was free for students to use at the College or at home.

Then Susan learned about open textbooks from a BCcampus presentation at an articulation meeting. “I began searching for an open textbook for statistics but couldn’t find a suitable one that included enough problem sets. So, in the meantime, I kept trying to make the textbooks we were using more affordable, going from hard-cover to soft-cover to loose-leaf. Then finally, in 2014, I found an open textbook for introductory statistics, it was one of the only two at the time recommended by the American Statistical Society. And that’s how I started.”

When she flipped through the open textbook, Susan was satisfied that she could use it, provided she moved some of the content around. What really sold her, though, was that it presented real data and had a free homework system that integrated problems from the textbook. “We discussed the book in the department, tested it out, then in 2017, we began formally using it for all the sections of intro statistics, and have used it ever since.” In addition to the open textbook, the department also uses an online assignment system called MyOpenMath which is relatively easy to use to create and share problem sets to match the textbook.

Another course that Susan teaches was not as easy to convert to a free textbook. For the Introduction to Probability and Statistics course, instructors use a textbook by Jay Devore which is the gold standard of texts for this content. “Everything in it is tested and the problems are all from engineering and sciences, meaning our students can relate to them. The problem is that the cost of the textbook increases every year. Eventually I found an open textbook for the course, which was really written as a supplement for the Devore text, so, I adopted it in 2017 and used it for three years. While it doesn’t have problem sets, through fair dealing I was able to use questions from the Devore textbook and post them in D2L, and used the Devore textbook as a reference text.” During COVID, Susan switched back to the Devore text e-book to make it easier for students to learn online, but in 2021, she moved to creating course packs containing partial notes and problem sets and having them available in D2L while retaining the Devore text as an optional text only. But she and another instructor of this course continue to work towards finding an open textbook or make a zero-cost course pack for it.

Every year when Susan attends articulation meetings, she asks others to share the open educational resources they use at their institutions. “This year, the chair of the articulation committee made  it a required institutional report item, which is wonderful because we get to see what open source textbooks each school is using. It is great to see that Camosun is doing very well on this front!”

I asked Susan why providing zero cost resources for students is so important to her. “I was an international student when I came here, and textbooks were so expensive that most of us could not afford to buy them. Many students struggle financially, often having to work to pay rent and buy food. When I asked some students what they would use the money saved from buying textbooks for, almost all said they’d use it to buy food. I have always felt going with zero-cost resources can help students, but my bottom line is that any textbook I use needs to support their learning.” At the same time, Susan recognizes that some students prefer having access to a textbook, so she always provides at least one optional or reference textbook in courses that do not have a required text.

I asked Susan what she, and other instructors moving to zero textbook cost (ZTC) courses, needs from Camosun to sustain her practice. “First, it’s important to have a community with supports like yourself and CETL. Awareness is also very important because if faculty don’t know about open textbooks, they can’t consider them. And finally, creating a list of who at the College is using which open textbooks, and sharing that information, would make these resources more accessible for everyone. Faculty at Camosun are passionate about student learning and well-being, and once they know more about what open textbooks and supports are available, more instructors will want to get involved.”

Susan told me she appreciates what we are doing already at Camosun to share news about Open Education and ZTC courses. “Many instructors have been doing this work for awhile, but nobody knew it. Acknowledging and sharing that information is encouraging for instructors who are already doing it and also helpful for those who have not yet. It takes a lot of time to develop open resources, and Scheduled Development time is essential for [CCFA] faculty to do this work. Perhaps there could be opportunities for faculty to work together or have discussions about their open education projects as well.” And finally, Susan, as a statistician, recommends collecting data around the impact Open Education has on students (for example, saving money), “because that’s the evidence!” And as students become more aware of how open resources can help them “they may expect more instructors to provide them.”

To round out our discussion, I asked Susan about the statistics for her own courses – how much money have students saved because she provides free course resources? “For my one section of Stat 218 (Probability and Statistics 1), from 2017-2020, students saved $18,000 using the open textbook. Then from 2021-2024, using course packs and an optional textbook, students saved another $24,000. And for Stat 116 (Elementary Statistics), from 2017 to 2024, with an average of six sections a year, students saved approximately $147,000. A total of almost $200,000 – that can buy a lot of bread.”


Open Education at Camosun – what’s happening

For the past few months, I have been collecting data.  I know, not the most exciting way to begin a post, but this data is exciting to me!  I have been collecting information from faculty at Camosun about courses and programs at the college that are Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) and/or using Open Textbooks.
Guess what?  We have several programs at Camosun that are either completely ZTC or very close.  I am very grateful to all the faculty working hard to save our students money. And I am still compiling courses as we speak, so this is only a drop in the Camosun ZTC bucket.

Some programs/departments have many courses that are ZTC, some of which might surprise you.

  • For example, all courses in the Sport Management and Adventure Education Programs are ZTC, using a combination of academic articles, research studies, guest experts, applied learning and other vehicles to support their courses!
  • The Community Learning Partnerships (CLP) program area and the Education and Career Planning (EDCP) program (which are both tuition free) also have all ZTC courses.
  • 17 of 22 of the courses in the Communications program are already ZTC.
  • All but three courses in the Education Assistant and Community Support program are ZTC, with faculty working to phase out one more textbook.
  • Almost all the courses in the Community, Family, and Child Studies and the Civil Engineering programs are ZTC, and more are coming.
In addition, the lists for courses not requiring paid textbooks in Math and Stats courses is growing (both in the Math Department and in Math Access), there are several courses in Social Sciences, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, English, Accounting, and Indigenous Studies that offer ZTC courses as well.
I would be remiss as well if I didn’t mention some of the leaders in using Open Textbooks at the college, the Trades where faculty like Sandra Carr, Brian Coey, and Rod Lidstone have developed Open Textbooks for use in their courses, as well as for the Common Core content which is used across all the Trades.
In the new year, I will be posting more comprehensive information of what is happening at Camosun both with regards to ZTC and use of Open Textbooks. I am also hoping to interview some people in the new year and share some more in-depth stories then so we can celebrate the good work already being done!

Open Education at CamFest: A Reflection

This term, for the first time ever, I hosted an Open Textbook table at our annual beginning-of-the-school-year student welcome celebration (during the first week of classes) called CamFest.

I was at Interurban campus on the Wednesday and Lansdowne on the Thursday and really enjoyed interacting with students around the potential for Open Textbooks and Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) courses and programs to save them money.  While some students told me about courses they have taken that do not require costly resources, most lamented the exorbitant cost of their textbooks – one student in Nursing commenting that she paid $900 this term for her texts. And some of their stories were heart-breaking and irritation-provoking, if I am honest.  Why do our students, in this day and age, have to decide between buying textbooks and paying rent?  Why do they have to weigh the cost of books against passing their classes?

And then there are the online assessment tools attached to digital textbooks (or sometimes not) that many students are required to buy.  Several students, one close to tears, asked me why they have to pay to do their course assessments (feels a bit like double-dipping to me…what does tuition cover again?)

I know many of you reading get it, but we need to keep spreading the word across our institutions about Open Textbooks/Open Education and working towards better supporting faculty to move to ZTC (and zero online assessment costs) courses and programs.

If I think about my own institution, Camosun College, Open Textbooks and ZTC address every one of our new Strategic Plan goals.  Want to know how?

  • Strengthen the Camosun Advantage, Goal 2 (Deliver outstanding flexible learning opportunities to support students’ evolving educational expectations.)  Note: one identified success metric for this goal is measuring the percentage of courses using open textbooks for teaching.
  • Doing Good Work Together, Goal 2 (Ensure financial sustainability for continued investment in student success.)  Some of the folks working on Open Ed include: VP Student Experience, Librarians, Other folks in the Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, Faculty who have been doing this work and are invested in it, Student Society, and there are many more to be added to this list!!
  • Responding to Community Needs, Goal 3 (Break down systemic barriers to improve access to post-secondary education.)  Open Ed opens doors for more students!
  • Honouring Indigenous Resurgence, Goal 4 (Infuse Indigenous values into practices and spaces at the college.)  Note, within the framework of Open Education we find Traditional Knowledge Licenses which provide licensing that honours Indigenous and cultural knowledge which traditional copyright laws do not.  We have an Ed Developer with a specialization in Indigenization as well as a librarian working on Indigenous knowledge citations, etc.
  • Rising to the Challenge of Climate Change, Goal 2 (Support existing programs and increase climate education across the college.)  Note, there are many open education and open science resources on climate change and other important global concerns.
  • Advancing Social Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, Goal 3 (Celebrate and uphold the diversity of students and employees as a strength within Camosun’s community.)  Open Ed aligns with the work of the Centre for Accessible Learning as well as with colleagues who work closely with UDL to ensure OpenEd resources are created with accessibility in mind. We have an Accessibility Committee now at the college, as well as one in Learning Services.

So, given these alignments with the principles and goals we hold dear at Camosun, can we do better for our students?  I am hopeful that we can!

But now let me give voice to our students at both campuses who told me what they could do if they didn’t have to buy textbooks:
