Camosun Faculty Story #15: Lynelle

Lynelle is the Chair of the Allied Health and Technologies programs in the School of Health and Human Services (HHS).  As Chair, she has had a different experience of the past year from other faculty I have spoken to, and brings a unique point of view to online teaching because pre- COVID, D2L was already heavily integrated into the courses in her programs.  “From day one of MRAD (Medical Radiography) and for every subsequent course or program in Allied Health and Technologies, our underlying starting point is face-to-face enhanced with D2L. When you take a job with us, it is so deeply integrated in the way we interact with students, it doesn’t make any sense to opt out.  New faculty are trained and supported in using D2L from day one, which I think is a huge key for a minimum level of universal adoption.” In addition, plans for moving some of Allied Health & Technologies programs into a fully blended format with some exclusively online courses were already in progress, which means that this past year gave AHT a jumpstart on achieving what they’d already been planning.

But even if courses already integrated technology, Lynelle’s faculty still faced challenges. “I think the biggest challenge that we all faced, students, faculty, staff, was creating boundaries between what happens at school or work and what happens in the rest of your life, but also accepting that sometimes those boundaries can’t be rigid. This also created a great deal of acceptance and understanding from instructors for what their students were going through because during the pandemic the challenge was the same for everyone.”  Another challenge was, as Lynelle puts it, that “some people and technology are like oil and water.” You have the happy adopters at one end of the spectrum, and at the other end those who prefer the way things are and are having perhaps the hardest time adapting.  “I empathize with the struggle those in the second group are having, and I try and remind myself that they’re living this struggle every day and it’s depleting their resilience faster than anyone else’s.”

When I asked Lynelle about her experience, and the experiences of her faculty, of moving completely online last year, her sentiment probably sounds familiar. “Initially I think everybody wanted to vomit because, we were being forced to do something many faculty had resisted in the past. But then I think a certain percentage of faculty surprised themselves by how well they were able to do it, how well their students responded, how much they ended up liking it. They had just never given it a chance before.”  As a result, Lynelle sees many rewards from the past year.  “Some of the things we’ve learned during the pandemic are not new, but not everybody was there yet. But now we have an opportunity to figure out what we must maintain (for example, no student is going to want to roll back to having no D2L shell for some of their courses.) I’m really glad that this has forced everyone to the same page – keeping everybody on that page is going to be the next challenge for the organization.”

Lynelle does have some advice for faculty moving to online teaching.  “My advice would be that while we did it (we did it quick and dirty during the pandemic) which proved to us that we could do it, it wasn’t the best way to do it. Now we need to take stock of the things that are working really well and the things that we should continue doing as much as possible. Faculty need to carefully consider the content pieces they want to design and how they need to design them, for example making them modular so that it’s easy to switch things out, and treat that content creation as normal course refreshing.  Then get feedback from students, and revise.”  But she also cautions not to be afraid of trying something new, just don’t try to do everything at once. “My advice is to just do it. If it’s bad, don’t do more of it, do something else.  If it’s good, do more of it.”

And the future?  Well moving more courses to online learning with blended teaching approaches for labs and practice was always in Lynelle’s plan for at least one of her programs, namely the Certified Medical Laboratory Assistant (CMLA) program.  “We got such a bump – light years faster than we ever expected, and now we’re here.  We’ve ripped the bandage off and now we’re wondering how we can support all our instructors who will need to keep teaching in this way. We will need better instructional spaces for them, perhaps miniature recording studios with the features they will need to create really engaging content.”  Lynelle sees huge benefits for students learning this way.  “Students could miss a face-to-face class because they could either watch the class later, or they simply log on remotely.”  Maybe there are students from Calgary or Edmonton, or maybe students are working part-time jobs while they’re upgrading. “They can’t do that if their course schedule has them showing up in classes on Monday at 2:00pm, and Tuesday morning at 8:00am, and Wednesday at noon. But when you throw asynchronous courses or a combination of synchronous and asynchronous learning with a combination of face-to-face and remote learning, sometimes you can tick all a student’s boxes.”

Both MRAD and CMLA already have some of these options.  “We have face-to-face labs right now, but in some cases, students only have to come on campus once a week. So they can travel to Victoria, stay in a nice hotel one day a week for their entire program, for cheaper than it would be to move to Victoria for just one semester.”  And Lynelle notes that it was the students who figured out that math!  “That’s huge, especially since both programs require a certain percentage of students to relocate for their practicums anyway. So if they can arrange their practicums in locations where they would prefer to work, that makes everyone happy because employers want people that have ties to community and the desire to work in those places because they become long-term employees instead of employees that are on their way to something better. And so that’s better for the overall development of the island, not just us.”

With future plans already in motion, Lynelle is excited.  “Now we have educational resources that we never had before to make all this possible. I thought it was going to take us three, maybe five years to build those resources, but the pandemic happened, and now we’re ready. That’s what education should be about: delivering the learning to students where they need it, and when they need it!”

Camosun Faculty Story #14: Kerry-Ann

Kerry-Ann is in a slightly different position from other faculty I have talked to on this project.  While she was a teaching faculty member in Nursing, and will likely go back there in the future, for the past 2 years she has been the Simulation (sim) Education Coordinator for the School of Health and Human Services (HHS) at Camosun College.  If you don’t know what a sim lab is, see Sim-One Canada for more information.

Kerry-Ann only started working as the Sim coordinator in the fall of 2019, and had just begun developing relationships with her colleagues across HHS when Covid hit, and she mused that “going virtual does not help for developing relationships when you don’t know somebody.” So a survey in the fall of 2020 sent out to program leaders and chairs across HHS, which included follow-up meetings, helped Kerry-Ann to connect with programs and identify how she could support them.”

Kerry-Ann had been exploring virtual sim before COVID, but had a hard time finding faculty to join her in these explorations. Those of us who work supporting faculty in using technologies to support their teaching know that there are always those faculty who are on board before anyone else, those who adopt tools as they need them, those who want to adopt tools but often can’t find the time to learn more about them (I think this category is the majority), and those who don’t want to at all.  Last year, everyone had to jump on board in one way or another despite different comfort levels!

“In Fall 2019, my goal was to keep in-person simulations going and deal with various technology installations and setups that still needed to happen as we moved to the new CHW. And then Winter 2020 landed and midway through we went virtual, and we created some new simulations that launched new inter-professional collaborations. But come Fall 2020, in-person simulation was not a possibility, so I started exploring virtual simulation.”  Kerry-Ann reflected on Colette Foisy-Doll’s visit to Camosun during the development of the CHW simulation spaces prior to Covid. Colette, a long time simulationist from Alberta said that “in-person simulation was too resource intensive and it would fade away, and that virtual is the future. And now that’s what we’re living – it’s like this fast forward. So now I’ve had to apply the best practices of simulation, design and development, facilitation, and debriefing to a virtual world, and I’m seeing the benefits tremendously.”

Kerry-Ann sees a lot of other rewards coming out of the past year.  “People have found smarter ways to work. For example, meetings: at the end of a long day, you can stay home, you’re not rushing in traffic to get there, so there seems to be a larger uptake in meetings and even more engagement in meetings.”  And she also notes the increased use of Teams and OneDrive for file sharing, commenting that all of us at Camosun had access to these tools before, but many of us didn’t use them.  But now we have had to change how we work together, and wonder why we didn’t use them this before!  “You know, the pandemic has shaken things up in a way that is really exciting on some level. I know it’s been hard, but I’ve seen the excitement among faculty trying something new, saying that they never would have done this had the pandemic not happened. They are working harder than ever, but it’s exciting because there are so many new ways to do things now.”

Moving forward, Kerry-Ann says she sees that integrating virtual sim with the in-person sim will have huge benefits.  It “gives students the option of doing some virtual sim work before they come in to do the live sim work. And in addition, virtual sim development has helped improve formative assessment in face-to-face experiences.”  And Kerry-Ann is excited about the changes in learning and evaluation that can come from this. “So a lesson learned is that the virtual world has helped us think more in terms of assessment for learning, which in a health program like nursing is profound because it has repercussions that go well beyond a student’s program and into their professional career and their ability to contribute to a “just culture in healthcare”.”

One final reflection Kerry-Ann had for me as we talked about moving closer to the end of the pandemic “I think we were all so used to living a life where we looked into the future, so something I would tell myself is to live more day-to-day, and find joy in that day-to-day, because you don’t know what the future’s going to bring.”

Camosun Faculty Story #13: Jim

Jim teaches in the Automotive Trades, which as you can imagine was a tough program to put entirely online.  But his group, there are three of them, worked hard to put everything together, in spite of not having used online technology, like D2L, to support their courses in the past.  When I asked how they did it, Jim explained how they reached out to eLearning for support, and then they and the 3 instructional designers they worked with set their goals.  “We could have spent a lot of time dwelling on what you can’t do, but we didn’t do that. We really concentrated on where we were, where we needed to be, and how we were going to get there.”

In addition to having to create a lot of material from scratch – videos, quizzes, content – and learning all the technology they needed to use, the team faced many challenges, as did their students.  One of the on-going challenges has been connectivity:  “it’s very difficult teaching a group of students when three or four of them are glitching out all the time.”  But in the end, Jim says that they recognized that they were all in the same boat.  “Students are really quick at adapting. They would help each other, and they were also teaching me, which I would acknowledge.  Then we’d have a laugh about that – humour was a great thing to bridge those gaps and we acknowledged the bumps in the road and tried to make it a fun place to be.”

Jim remembers as he made his videos, having to let go of being perfect.  “I was trying to do them in one take because if I didn’t, then I’d have to edit them, and I didn’t have time. I was burned out and exhausted from learning of all the new technology. So I would do one take, and do the best I could. It was funny when things didn’t go right.  For example, I did a pressure washer demo and the breaker didn’t work, and then I get the power to it and the water was turned off. All these little real life things happen, so I’m rolling my eyes and laughing. But it was okay, because it was more authentic – here you are on camera and the water doesn’t turn on and the cutters don’t cut. Anyway it turned out that those things were actually good because the students would laugh and talk about how they loved it when it didn’t work. So that was one of those unexpected things.” I also loved Jim’s description of a game called “Name that Thing” where he would show his students some kind of auto part on camera, and whoever got the name of it right in the chat would have their name put in for a draw, a kind of light at the end of the tunnel for when they could all be together in the same space again.

Aside from allowing his personality and humanness to show in his videos, Jim also learned to be more flexible in terms of the schedules for his classes.  Some days would go quickly and a test could be earlier, but other days he needed to spend more time with the content, or perhaps change a shop day into a theory day to make sure everyone was feeling comfortable with the material before moving on.  “I used to teach with structured time blocks in mind, but I’ve learned to not do that online, which makes it better for everybody.”

As for advice for instructors new to online teaching, Jim says to try to view the course and the online teaching experience from the student’s perspective.  “Don’t assume what they know or don’t know, take your time, smile and be authentic. Remember that it’s okay for you to make mistakes, and that things are going to happen that are out of your control – you can’t prepare for everything.  Just be okay with things that are going to happen that you can’t be ready for.”

Jim says he is going to take many of the things his group has created and the tools he has learned to use into his face to face classes when they return.  He likes the calendar in D2L, and has created a lot of quizzes – the quizzes tool he especially found made testing and keeping tests up to date much easier.  As well, all the videos the team have created will definitely remain part of the courses so students can review them as they need to. “I made about 30 videos which students can watch first, and come to class more prepared. Now when we meet, it’s going to be better overall because we can focus on other things. I can’t see us going back to the way we taught before, not at all.”

In the end, Jim says “if we want to say there’s a silver lining [from this past year], I think we will end up with a better program, and with something that’s probably more relevant for young people. It forced us to get a little bit more in line with the times, which is good.”

Camosun Story #12: Liz

Liz teaches in the Dental Hygiene program at Camosun College.  Now, this is one of the programs that has managed to have some face to face teaching since just after the shut-down.  I remember last May, the students who had had their clinical courses interrupted in March, suddenly being sent back in so they could finish their program.  This created an even more stressful time for instructors, both moving some courses online, and working to keep their students safe while they completed their clinical work.  What Liz and I talked about, however, was her work moving her more lecture-based courses online for the fall term.

One of the first things Liz told me was that after the craziness of last spring, she had to take a break to clear her head.  She had already been thinking that her approach for moving courses online for the fall would be to “take a hard look at teaching in general. Take time to look back on the courses that I teach, and approach them in a slightly different way, which was to [determine] what is a “must know”, what is a “should know,” and what is a “nice to know”…Then, after making sure I had the course outcomes covered, I could focus my time and attention on the musts and then on the shoulds, and then if I had time, I could weave the nice to knows into it.” But first, she needed to rest her mind: “I think what I was doing was letting go over the summer, thinking about different approaches, and then I literally pulled out every one of my outcomes and performance indicators, and just blew it up.”

Liz believes that this whole last year was an opportunity to “reinvest in the approach to teaching.”  Liz has a background in educational technology, so is not afraid of trying new things, and she has always been free with her content, posting her PowerPoints and providing students with guided questions for their readings.  But now she had to figure out how to work in an environment where she couldn’t see 25 faces looking perplexed, saying “I think that lack of face-to-face connection makes adaptation a little bit more difficult.”  That ability to be flexible and adapt from what you are reading in students’ faces is definitely more challenging online.

But overall, Liz sees rewards everywhere.  One of the biggest ones has been integrating Universal Design for Learning (UDL).  She notes that while some faculty worry that “if you tape a lecture, the students won’t come, that’s not been in my experience at all. They all come all the time. If I have a synchronous class, I probably have 98% of them there every time…I think the value of having lectures taped for them is that they actually use them to review. I can get passionate and talk a little bit fast at times, and so I think they find it valuable to be able to go back over discussions. And that’s universal design.”

What was her biggest takeaway?  Liz says, “I think it is the opportunity to step back and try to figure out what is it that we’re actually trying to achieve. I think it’s a time for renewal. I think I had a past tendency to teach the way I was taught. And in the future, we need to embrace the fact that the Information Age is here and the speed of change of material is great.”  Not that she thinks this is easy.  “You need the time in advance to look at a course, back up from it, and think about how you would do this completely differently, and there can be really big wins on the other side of it.”

And this is also some of the advice Liz would have for faculty moving into online teaching for the first time. “Instead of thinking … I have to teach online in a traditional way, think outside the box. And also divide your content into those musts, shoulds, and nice to knows, because I think we have a lot of nice to knows, because we are passionate and want to try to give it all to them.”  In addition, Liz, like other faculty members I’ve talked to, points to looking back on the past year as a positive, saying, “there are times when you force somebody into a situation, and they’re going to learn something, be it good or bad, so I think the whole thing has been an opportunity to learn and be creative.”

Liz has spent some time reflecting on this past year, seeing it as an extension of her journey as an instructor.  “I think my journey in the last five years of teaching is about releasing control. Put it in the hands of the learner and they exceed your expectations every time.  I think [we need to ask ourselves] why we do the things we do? When I did that, I realized it was because that’s the way I’ve always done it or that’s the way it was when I was a learner…I don’t think it has to be elaborate and I don’t think you have to use the maximum number of tools…The goal isn’t to learn tech: the goal is to learn some content.”  And some classes will be a better fit for face-to-face, just as some students will perform better face to face – we need to consider what the best mode is for courses, students, and faculty, for their teaching and learning.  Let’s not take this investment we have all just made and toss it out because of the fear that online education is substandard.  Instead, look forward.  “I think it needs to be different – I think our world is different and I think it’s a giant opportunity to figure out how to teach this generation that’s coming forward.”

Camosun Faculty Story #11: Zack

Zack teaches Learning Skills and Math Upgrading at Camosun, and has for over 25 years.  Since he now only teaches half time, and had never taught synchronously online (a mode which many of the students he serves really need), he found the move in March of last year to teaching entirely online very challenging.  He remarks “along with Learning Skills, I was teaching self-paced, upgrading math when COVID hit.  I had to pivot to doing almost all my teaching by phone, which was really clunky and hugely time-consuming…And doing tests online was really tricky – we wanted to keep the integrity of the test, but we had to let that go a bit.  So, we were all scrambling at first and it was a bit of a mess.”

Moving forward into planning for his fall term, Zack had scheduled development time in May and June, which he spent creating content for D2L (which he had already used quite a bit previously to COVID), and learning the complexities of Collaborate with some of his colleagues.  It was during one of these practice sessions that Zack had an “aha” moment – realizing that if he had uploaded a PowerPoint to Collaborate, students could write on it anonymously and that “students could take part almost more than they could in a regular class….I like that anonymous function. In fact, I keep thinking when we get back face to face, I would like to continue that because it allows students to participate more in real ways.”

One of the biggest realizations Zack has had over the past year is that he, and other faculty, now find themselves in the same boat as students.  He told me he took a Java course a few years ago, as a full-on student (taking exams, and everything!) and found that experience to be so valuable, because aside from learning the subject matter, he also stepped into that student experience and engaged in the learning skills he himself teaches.  That deep dive into the student experience he says helped him as an instructor, saying “if you’re teaching a support course like learning skills and you’re not relating to where they are, students may tend to discount that course.”  But not just if you are teaching support courses – “I would encourage other instructors to not to let go of their ability to be students,” and to let themselves experience that vulnerability, a vulnerability all instructors were forced to face starting last March.

One of the things Zack discovered as he moved his courses online “was that there are a lot of creative ways we can use online tools to save work, and then you can be more focused on the teaching.”  He especially appreciates the ability of D2L to support the marking of assessments, giving him more time to engage with students.  Speaking of engagement, Zack told me that he would like to have time to talk to other instructors about how they have engaged with students online.  He notes though that it’s “not just necessarily about online teaching because the online experience can be similar to the face-to-face teaching experience.”  He belongs to the Teaching and Learning Community of Practice at Camosun and loves talking about the craft of teaching with his peers, missing the face to face opportunities over the past year.  I hope that faculty will find opportunities to reflect together on the past year.

When I asked what advice Zack has for other instructors moving to online teaching, he said to first attend CETL workshops, also practice with your peers, and “keep in mind that….that you need to understand how vulnerable students can feel.  We need to remember that students can feel frustrated, wondering what’s wrong with them, especially when they’re on their own. I think that’s what scares me a lot about teaching online – students are really pretty isolated.”

Finally, Zack sees moving back to face to face as an opportunity to keep some of what he has learned and created, comparing the tools he now has available to him to a set of paint brushes (words from a fellow Camosun faculty member in Engineering) which allows him to be more creative with his teaching canvas.  We were all forced into this online teaching realm, but at the same time Zack asked himself “once I get past that first challenging part, and feel that I handle it and feel confident that I can do it, then can I move to that point where it can be fun and creative and interesting and rich?”  That is where we hope we and our students have gotten to now, and where we can begin building from as we move forward.

Camosun Faculty Story #10: Deanna

Deanna is a part-time faculty member teaching English at Camosun. Her situation is a little different from other faculty members I’ve spoken with first, because she is 50%, and second because she teaches one course, and has taught this same course for a number of years. So, when everyone had to move online, Deanna only had to convert one course, but she didn’t know for sure she was going to be teaching in the fall until early August. As a result Deanna had a choice to make: would she take her old face to face course and simply convert it to online, or would she take her colleague’s already developed online (asynchronous) course (her colleague developed it for the spring/summer term) and use that, adapting it to how she teaches? In the end, she decided to take a chance and plunge head first into something completely new and different rather than staying in her comfort zone. She worked hard last fall, but feels that the work she put in has paid off, because this term she can spend more time working on engagement with the students rather than figuring out how the course and content work. And in the future, she can “spend more time … on what the students’ need, as opposed to learning the technology, updating content, updating assignments, writing news posts – those things are all there, so I can spend the real engagement time with the students helping to move their learning forward. That’s exciting!” Deanna thinks part of the reason she has enjoyed the experience so much is that she was “not comparing everything to the classroom because there is no reason to. I’m not comparing how well the classroom version worked compared to my online version because I’m doing something completely different – it’s almost like I’m not grieving the loss of what I was doing in the classroom.”

I liked a metaphor Deanna used to describe the move online as an opportunity created from having to “rip the Band-Aid off,” of using technology to support her teaching. In the before-times, she was content to use tools like D2L as a support to her classroom teaching, but last year, she says “I was forced to embrace the fullness of the options…I haven’t embraced all of them, but the ones that I’ve embraced have surprised and delighted me more often than not” and “now that it’s a year later, I see that there is this amazing capacity for me to engage with students and for them to engage with each other.”

One of the things that Deanna notes as instrumental in getting through this was support. Support from people in eLearning and in the Facilitating Learning Online course. While she was developing and teaching in the fall, “I felt like the support was there for me as a safety net, no matter what risks I decided to take, I had the support” and was able to debrief around what was working, and what wasn’t, until she realized that she “had moved from feeling like I needed that weekly handholding to now feeling confident when I come out of trying something new.” That’s the part that makes me happy – we help faculty to find that confidence to try something new themselves!

Deanna has seen a lot of amazing benefits for both her and her students from teaching online. Even though, as she says, “you don’t have the option of relying on the five senses that you used in the face to face classroom, or on your years of experience with in-person engagement…I think that I’m engaged in a more intimate way with the students than in the classroom. It’s weird and it’s exciting.” For example, they can “write on the whiteboard in Collaborate…and they seem to love trying different colours, and shapes when brainstorming – my creative self thrives and delights that students are being creative in a new way that didn’t happen when using a classroom blackboard.”

As Deanna spoke, I was struck by her comments about her online synchronous classes and not being able to see all the faces as you would in a face to face classroom. Rather than seeing this as a negative, Deanna thinks of this as an opportunity for her and her students to take more risks in a safe environment. “A student might put something in the chat that they might not have raised their hand to say, but they did it and felt brave…. we’re doing things that are creative and innovative and I’m feeling like it’s okay to take those risks when in the classroom I might not.”

Advice for anyone moving to online teaching? “Don’t worry about the bells and whistles! Understand where you’re at, who you are, and what matters to you as a teacher, and concentrate on…how your strengths as a teacher will translate into the online environment rather than seeing something shiny that somebody else does… Just put that aside and be who you are.” And also she wants faculty who have been teaching online over the past year not to give up too quickly on this experience. “I’m hoping we come out of this feeling really open and positive about online learning.”

As to whether Deanna will continue to use these tools to support her teaching, she tells me yes! “It’s been exciting to do this and there is so much potential in it, I want to be an online teacher…In the same way that I feel like classroom teaching was something that I do and I feel really great at it, I want to get there with online teaching.”

Deanna had so many amazing things to tell me, I can’t share them all here in one post, but I want to end this piece with something she said at the beginning of our discussion that for me makes everything I do in my work supporting faculty worth it: “it’s been an incredible journey that I’m extremely thankful for.”

Thanks Deanna – I know we will see incredible things from you.

Camosun Faculty Story #9: Eva

Eva teaches in the Criminal Justice program at Camosun, and she was lucky to have scheduled development in May and June last year to begin planning for a fall of courses entirely online.  Since Eva had really only used D2L in the past for posting grades, she attended as many eLearning workshops as she could to improve her understanding of the tools she would need, but like many faculty found that getting into workshops was a challenge given the sudden influx of people needing to take them.  While this was frustrating, she also says “it was somewhat comforting to know everyone was in the same situation.”

Talking to her students at the end of the 2020 Winter term was key to Eva to try and get a better sense of what things were like for them.  One of the things she discovered was, “because [faculty] have a range of capacity, skills and abilities, students experienced [inconsistencies in course design]…So we talked about it in our department, because the feedback from students was, we want simplicity, we want consistency. So in our little group in criminal justice, we talked about how we could be more consistent with how we use D2L.”

Eva says one of her biggest challenges last year was “that I didn’t know what I didn’t know.”  While trying to figure out whether to teach synchronously or asynchronously, “I scratched my head for a long time about that because I really didn’t feel like I knew the answer. I talked to other faculty who had done one or the other or both, and I also tried to reach out to former students and current students to ask, if you were given a choice, what would you choose, synchronous or asynchronous? And I got a mixed bag of responses, which didn’t make the choice any easier!”  Eventually she settled on a blend.  “What I did was have a synchronous class, usually the first class of the week, and then the second class would be asynchronous…I tend to show video clips, have discussion groups, have a small assignment that they do either alone or with a partner…some [of these would be] synchronous, [and some] relegated to the asynchronous class. I think that combination has worked well.”

Another challenge for Eva is how hard it can be to get to know students in the online environment.  In Collaborate, she keeps her camera on because students say they want to see a real human, but she often feels like she is hosting a podcast.  “It’s two-dimensional, and so feeling like you have a connection with students is really impeded.”  But in spite of this, Eva says her students exceeded her expectations with the quality of their work.  “I think because we’re hearing so much about the impact on mental health and how everyone is struggling, I thought the quality of work would be lower. But actually in the fall, when reading their papers and looking at their work, [I realized] it was really good quality work…I don’t know what it is, but for whatever reason, it exceeded my expectations. And that’s always a wonderful surprise.”

Eva says she is still learning lessons as she continues to teach online.  After the shift last March, she felt very anxious for two main reasons: [“first, I thought] I don’t know if I can do this. I don’t know if I can teach online. I don’t know if I can learn these tools. I don’t know if I can make this technology work.  And second, I don’t want to be off campus. I miss people. I want to be with my colleagues, I want to be with my students…But then we plodded along and it kind of came together.”  But she does still worry about the distance between people that teaching and learning online can cause.  “I worry about people losing a tiny bit of that humanity and connectivity that they don’t miss if they sitting across from other people talking in a group.”

Some advice Eva has for instructors moving online is to connect with their faculty group.  Play with the technology as well, and practice with colleagues if you can.  “I would say definitely try to get on top of all those tools and get comfortable with them. But also, I would say, especially if you’re going to teach synchronously [which can be] a little like talking into the abyss, so find some level of comfort with doing the majority of the talking, far more than you would be in class….and be mindful that [sometimes] it’s only if somebody has a question that you hear a voice or see a comment.”

Eva always asks for student feedback at the end of the term, and says she is interested to see what the students this term have to say about how the course went and what things they would like to see change.  She does say that she will continue to use the tools she has learned over the past year.  “Sometimes you’re forced to do something you don’t really want to do and you resist at first…and then you figure it out. And once you figure it out [you] see [the good]. And if we end up back in the classroom, I’m definitely still going to use [online tools] more than I used prior to COVID.”

Camosun Faculty Story #8: Kristina

Kristina is another faculty member who has more than one role at the college.  She is an Instructional Assistant for Psychology, as well as an instructor in that department.  And she also embraced the sudden switch to online teaching, saying “it’s something that I was really looking forward to doing, and I feel like the online environment allows students that typically don’t have the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge in a classroom setting to be able to shine.”  I’ll be honest with you: Kristina had so many amazing things to share about her experience, the experiences of the faculty she supports, and how she worked with and supported her students, I don’t have space for it all in this post.  But, I am hoping she will agree to share more at the eLearning Demo Fest this June 10th!

Kristina started teaching Psychology 110 online this January, after about 10 months of helping faculty in Psychology move their courses entirely online.  She also oversaw the lab components of those Spring, Summer, and Fall term Psychology courses, but because she has been assisting with the delivery of online courses and course components for many years, instead of having to figure out how to do things from scratch, she was able to look at ways to better support students and help them find their way through this unexpected new world of online learning.

Over the years of working with faculty in Psychology, Kristina has earned their trust.  When access to instructional designers in CETL became challenging due to the sudden increased demands, the Psychology faculty felt comfortable asking her how to adapt their courses for online “because [she] knew both their pedagogical philosophy and how and why they wanted to do certain things…[she] knew what their goals were.”  But as demands grew, and Kristina had to work on her own online teaching, she slowly coaxed faculty to get support from CETL.

For herself, Kristina says she almost feels more comfortable teaching online than face to face. She saw this transition as an opportunity to work on making the experience as positive as possible for her students. She did not face the learning curve that many other faculty at the college faced, such as learning how explicit instructions need to be online, how to create instructor presence, how to engage with students, etc.  One thing she noted that was different from teaching online during “normal” times however were the stress levels of students, both from facing a pandemic and having to learn online for the first time. “I bend over backwards to try and address the emotional component of learning first and foremost, and that was the biggest thing that I’ve learned in the online environment.”

Now, because of Kristina’s experience and comfort with teaching online, rather than discussing specific challenges, rewards, and lessons learned, I want to share with you some of Kristina’s approaches to teaching, and learning, online.

First, Kristina surveyed her students a week before the course started.  “I made the questions very particular to [my] course and asked them what three things they wanted me to do to support their learning – something that either worked for them previously or that they would like to try this semester.” As a result she made some last-minute changes to her course, aside from the requirements on the syllabus which she explained to her students was like a contract – something that could not be altered.

Some of the things students identified were wanting study guides for quizzes (which she created and took the time to explain to students how to create their own), wanting more time for tests (so she changed questions from knowledge-based to application-based questions so that time was no longer an issue – if students are running out of time on the quiz, they can contact her during the quiz and request additional time), having test anxiety (so she equally weighted lab assignments and quizzes and evaluated anxiety provoking topics such as statistics via lab assignments instead of quizzes), wanting flexibility (so she allowed extensions for assignments without penalty), and needing due date reminders (so she arranged for D2L to send them reminder emails and posts reminders in the News).

In addition, Kristina practices some aspects of Open Pedagogy by letting students contribute to assessments.  “I had them create application-based questions [by asking] them to develop scenario question that were one or two sentences long about a part of the brain that was damaged, and provide the correct answer [for their questions]. Then I incorporated all of those questions and answers into a Jeopardy game for them… [Finally,] I chose three of those questions out of the 40 and put them on their quiz.  I went over this activity with the students in lab beforehand to answer any questions. Then we also did a review game in class that covered the same types of concepts that were going to be on the quiz.” During the review, she asked students to share how they might approach answering the question, such as highlighting key words, drawing pictures, or eliminating response options.

And she also incorporates Universal Design for Learning principles, for example, giving students flexible deadlines. For example, when they ask for an extension, she asks “When do you think you can get the assignment handed-in? You know what your work schedule is, you know what your classroom demands are – when can you get this done, instead of me of dictating that….allowing students to be accountable to themselves.” But what she has noticed is that each time this has happened, it’s been one time only “none of them take advantage of it.” She just sees it as treating her students like adults, like human beings, saying “I’m treating [them] the same way that I would expect a supervisor to treat me.”

Within her synchronous sessions, Kristina does what she calls concept checks, where students work on problems anonymously on the whiteboard, so they feel comfortable being confused, or trying something they were not sure of.  She also gives students multiple options for responding in the synchronous sessions: microphone, polling, open chat, private chat, and writing on the whiteboard or on her PowerPoints, so again they have the choice of how they want to engage.

Kristina works hard at building community and engaging with students where they are at. She starts each class off by posting a question on the whiteboard. For example, she asked “For students who are local, what restaurants do you like going for takeout and…and for students who are not local, what’s your favorite recipe that you make at home? I do a lot of that kind of white board activity to stimulate some conversation.”  And what I really appreciated was the way she encourages students to answer questions, saying that “the most important part of participating when you ask a question is that they offered an answer. So even if a student’s completely off base with their answer, I always start off with thanking them for responding, pull out the pieces of information that were correct, and then ask other students to build on the information that was correct.”

Kristina says, by way of advice to anyone starting to teach online: “be as transparent as possible with your students. Be explicit with the students about what your expectations are and why you have those expectations. [Explain] why you’re asking them to do specific assignments, and how you create your tests, why you design them [the way you do]…Because it allows them to understand and predict how to approach work in the course. It takes out the guessing…review what they can and can’t ask for.  Do what you say you’re going to do, and if you solicit feedback, don’t tell them you’re going to do something about it, and then not follow up on it!”

Finally, Kristina says “just embrace it. It’s going to be as good as you make it … don’t fear it.  Put as much into it as you would anything else, because the return on your effort is going to probably be [more than you can imagine].”

Camosun Faculty Story #7: Robin

Robin is Program Lead and an instructor in the Community, Family & Child Studies Program at Camosun College.  He is in one of those more unique positions because he was not only teaching during the pandemic, but also supporting other faculty in his role as lead.  He also has had a lot of experience as a student taking online courses, which didn’t necessarily prepare him for the role of online teacher: “it always looked difficult to me, and wasn’t something I wanted to pursue as a teacher.  [And while] that experience helped me [understand the] student perspective, it also hindered me because I had a preconceived notion of how it worked.”  But, when the college moved online, so did Robin, without a second thought.  One thing he did mention to me was how excited he is to now be part of the long history of distance education in Canada, which indeed has been around for over 130 years, moving from correspondence, to televised, to teleconferencing, and now to the Internet.  “For Camosun to be a part of that, to me really connects with what a community college should be.”

After getting through the sudden shift at the end of the Winter 2020 term, Robin says: “early on, I realized that September was going to be online and…I [realized that I] couldn’t just shift exactly what I was doing face-to-face classes to an online course, it had to be something different. So I grabbed everything from CETL (Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning) that I could … and just focused on getting myself and my courses ready for fall, figuring out what tools [I would need], what’s the best practice, and working on my courses.”  When fall hit, one of Robin’s big concerns was how to build instructor presence, without getting so involved and engaged in everything to the point of being overwhelmed.  As a result, he used a blend of synchronous and asynchronous modes, every three weeks having a live Q&A session rather than delivering a lot of content live.  “There were so many students who had connectivity problems, I didn’t want them worrying about that in addition to the content.”  Every Monday he added a News post describing the week ahead, summarized the discussions (rather than answering all the postings all the time), and asked for feedback from his students both in the middle and at the end of the term.

Robin says that finding creative ways of engaging students regularly is still a challenge for him.  Like so many other instructors, he still wonders “How much is the right engagement for them to be working together? How often should they be in small groups? How often should they be on their own?”  He also finds that in an online class, it’s harder to know if they are there, because “there are some students that will come to you, but there are other students you don’t hear from very often, and who when you reach out to the, you don’t hear much back,” very different from a face to face class where it can be easier to develop those relationships.  That silence in both the synchronous and asynchronous environments worries Robin that this relationship building piece is being lost.  Supporting students to navigate the online course is also a challenge.  Robin tries “to take that [support] role with students, being aware, and looking for those things that might be missing.

In addition to working with students to understand their role in the teaching and learning process as he normally does, Robin has added a new layer of explaining to students what’s going on for him, for example, why is he organizing the course the way he is, and inviting feedback so he can make adjustments.  He also says that “the online experience has forced me to consider what’s most important and how can I slow things down…to make sure students have time to grab on to what they need to grab onto. And I think maintaining that attitude in the face-to-face experience [will be] important [moving forward].”

There have been some rewards as well, teaching in this new format.  Robin teaches communication skills, and there is no doubt that being forced to communicate online has developed new opportunities.  In class “we’ve been talking about all the online skills that they have been developing and how they are related to other types of communication, how those skills parallel what they will be doing face-to-face and how important those skills are.”  In addition, Robin has felt a strong sense of equality online, for example, seeing all students being able to contribute equally.  “In the online environment, all the students are getting a chance to engage. In the discussion groups, I can see how they’re all engaging with the content, [something] I couldn’t with my 30 students in the [face to face] class.” And there is also, a sense of being in it together in the online classroom.  “Students, faculty and staff are all figuring it out together, and you want to impress upon the students that you are with them, learning with them. This is the place to experiment – that’s what learning is about here, trying things out…through the stresses of the COVID world, the stresses of online learning. [As] my favorite quote, Steven Stills says, love the one you’re with – this is where we are, and let’s enjoy it.”

Robin has a few words of advice and encouragement for faculty, saying first to remember that, “we’re pretty adaptable.”  In spite of not wanting to teach an online course before COVID, when he had to, he discovered that “we can make pretty great things happen.”  Also, “see yourself and your students as able…and remember that the important pieces of teaching, the engagement, the active learning pieces, our role in creating an environment that has both a balance of safety and challenge – none of those things have changed. They are all still there, it just looks a little different.”

Robin says he will never go back to using D2L in such a limited way again.  “I think I’ve got an understanding of the platform and the tools that I know that my students have missed out in the past because I didn’t use them. I’m sure I will continue to use asynchronous content and make sure that there are multiple ways for students to engage with the material, more ways for students to engage with material outside of specific class time.”  And in his role as Program Lead, he is looking forward to having conversations with his program faculty around what their program might look like in the future.  “I definitely think using online tools and how to create engagement through those tools [will be] part of the conversation now.  Whether we do something different or not, it’s just going to be part of our conversation.”

Camosun Faculty Story #6: Cheryl

Cheryl is a faculty member in the BSN (Baccalaureate of Science in Nursing) Program at Camosun College.  As you can well imagine, moving Nursing programs completely online, especially given some of the more practical, hands-on aspects of Nursing, would have presented a challenging puzzle.  And certainly this was the case during the sudden pivot in March of last year.  But luckily for Cheryl, after things settled over the summer, she was “fortunate to be teaching courses where there’s still significant face-to-face time. It’s changed [and compressed] face-to-face time,” so finding ways to address fewer/shorter classes by moving more material online (the program group had already built a lot of online course components into their teaching pre-COVID), and redesigning evaluations were where the lab team Cheryl works with spent most of their time.

Cheryl told me that the team “usually starts into a semester knowing how it was done last term, and we make a few minor tweaks and off we go. [But] the last two semesters since COVID, we’ve spent much of the week of start-up adjusting evaluative tools to make sense in this COVID environment with the type of learning the students are having.”  And when Cheryl says evaluative tools, she is referring to replacing students demonstrating their ability to perform a skill in the lab before going on to perform the skill on a live person in clinical practice.  “In the past pre-Covid, each student drew one skill at the end of the semester and had 10 or 15 minutes to gather their supplies and perform that skill in a reasonably safe manner. [But now,] we realized that the likelihood of us being able to have one-to-one time in-person with each student was slim to none…and we had to rethink how we could evaluate to ensure students had the knowledge, skills, and ability to provide safe patient care.”  After much discussion, the team redeveloped this assessment:  “a video skill was developed where students practice the skill, however briefly in lab, and then videotape each other in partners during lab time. [They then] take the video home and critique it. And last term [fall], they were graded on their critique of their skill.” I should note that Cheryl credits her other team members for this idea!

This was one of the main challenges the team faced, but it did not stop with the fall version of the evaluation.  They realized that just recording and critiquing the skill did not address the actual practice: developing the muscle memory of the skill. “So this term (winter), we added a second component of critiquing the actual performance of the skill and not just the student critique of the skill. While reflection on practice [is] a fabulous learning tool, we felt that there needed to be a level of competency as well.”

I asked Cheryl how the students felt about this new way of assessing their skills, to which she replied “I think it’s fairly across the board that students feel way less stress. What I’ve heard from students is, I like this a lot better than what I know of how it used to be done, because the stress before with one-to-one demonstration would not have been a true test of my ability of the skill.”  Comments like these from students, along with adding the skill performance critique, have convinced the team that they should keep this new way of assessing, something they may never have tried had it not been for COVID.  Cheryl reflects, however, that she does hope that as Covid cases settle, students will be able to return to open lab time to practice the skills in a way that is “more similar to how they practice in actual clinical settings with real people” rather than practicing at home with simulated materials.

Cheryl can’t emphasize enough how important being able to work in a team was to surviving, and dare I say to meeting the challenge of the move to online learning.  The courses she works with typically have 4 or 8 instructors teaching the same content to groups of students, each carrying a piece of the preparation and planning load, bouncing ideas off of each other…supporting each other.  That’s one piece of advice she has for someone new to moving a course online – “get help, find allies because it will gobble your time and you need other people to pitch in. It can’t be a solo kind of role that you take on.”  In addition, take the time to “talk it through and figure out what went well, what didn’t go well, and how it could be tweaked, and then bring in the experts that know and can give you ideas on what can be done to [move] forward.”  Think of Kolb’s Learning Cycle:  “experience and do, review and reflect, analyze and learn, plan, and [then] draw conclusions and plan, revising based on your assessment.”  And remember it is not going to come out perfect the first time.

And finally, Cheryl advises not taking it all on at once.  “There comes a point where we’re so overwhelmed with the small incremental layers of newness, we can’t take anything else on. So make sure you contain what you take on, because somewhere along the way we need to retain enough energy to teach students, to maintain the focus on doing the best we can for students. And if we overwhelm ourselves with what we take on, we can’t really be there for them…so dive in, take a risk, ask for what you need, be ready to put in the time, but be realistic about the workload, who’s there to support you, and how you can manage and contain it. Don’t do it all at once in one term.

I am so proud of the amazing team of Nursing instructors Cheryl works with, of how they adapted to a new, unexpected reality, and how they embraced the changes.  I am excited at how excited Cheryl is at the possibilities, and I am so looking forward to seeing what they do next in the BSN Program.