Camosun Story #82: Brianna

Brianna is a faculty member in the Sport Management Program at Camosun College, which began in 2020, teaching one class online, then becoming full-time in 2021. Teaching was a long-term goal for Brianna who has extensive experience working in sport all over the world. From working internationally with projects such as FIFA World Cup Soccer, the Olympics, Grassroot Soccer in Africa and more, while also completing her master’s degree  One day, after re-evaluating her life goals, she decided “to use my experience, while still working in sport, to mentor the next generation of people who want to be in this industry I love so much.”

I asked Brianna what she enjoyed about teaching, and she said, “I loved helping people younger than myself realize their potential within their own career. My ultimate goal is to be the best teacher I can be, and at an applied school like Camosun, that means not just teaching, but also participating and leading by example.” It also includes bringing her own projects back to the classroom as well. “I worked on a triathlon a couple of years ago and had students come and work with me. And last year, I went down to California and worked on an event called the Homeless World Cup, a Soccer World Cup for individuals who are unhoused, and we are having a school screening of the movie that was made about it.”

I asked Brianna about how she works with students. “My philosophy is ‘your success is my success. Part of that is connecting individually with the students.  “I take time to get to know each of my students with a goal of creating community feel in the classroom. I try to create a safe space where all voices are heard and create as many applied experiences in assignments and lectures as I can. Ideally, students will walk out with something in hand that they could go and use in an interview, for example.”

I was curious about the applied experiences Brianna was referring to, so she took some time to tell me about one.  “In the project management and sports marketing class I partner every year with a different sports team in the city. The team [this past term, Brianna was excited to welcome Invictus Games as the partner] comes to class and provides the class a fake RFP along with a budget and an outline of what they want the students to achieve. Students then work through the whole term creating an entire marketing pitch on the given concept and how they’d market it. Then at the end of the term, the team comes back and votes on the winner.” And throughout the term, Brianna models how to build a relationship with a stakeholder group. She was especially excited this last term as “one of the individuals coming from Invictus Games to vote on the winning project was a previous student of mine who won two years ago for this same project. Because he now works for Invictus Games in a senior role students get to see someone who once was in their shoes only two years ago” which goes a long way to convince students how important a project like this can be for their lives after college. Brianna sees this applied learning piece as an important component that separates Camosun College from other schools.  “There is no textbook that could teach this – we are bringing in guest speakers, having them engage in real-life situations…that’s how they’re learning.”

Another element of the classroom that excites Brianna is the presence of international students. “Many of our diploma students are international. Right now, we have students from India, Japan, Austria, which is great because sport systems around the world are so different.” It’s important to include those voices, work with people from different cultures with all those diverse experiences.

I asked Brianna about her experiences teaching online when she started, and moving back to in person considering how important the classroom community is to her. While she did not enjoy teaching online, she said “I understand the importance of it and would love to explore a blended model. Many students have full-time jobs which makes building community challenging because it’s hard to get a full class showing up.” But in the end, Brianna wants the classroom “to be a place where students can have fun – I want them to feel like they want to be there.”

I wondered what moments Brianna holds in mind from her teaching. “I love graduation and seeing my students walk across the stage with smiles on their faces.  And I also love writing reference letters for them and then hearing from them when they have gotten great jobs because my goal is to help them succeed.” And finally, I asked her, as a newer faculty member, what advice she might have for other new instructors coming to teach at Camosun.  “Be open to learning, to continue growing, to making mistakes and getting feedback. And connect with your students – if you create a relationship with them, you’ll have a better experience.”


Camosun Story #81: Julia L

“Julia volunteered her time to teach us, as we had a shortage of instructors for the Practical Nursing program and took on the task of teaching pathophysiology and professional practice. She shows how much she cares for the future of nursing and wants us to succeed. I appreciate her dedication to our group.”

Julia L, one of this year’s Teacher Recognition award recipients, has been a faculty member at Camosun for 12 years but has been teaching for 25. Before becoming an instructor, Julia was educated in Victoria and attended Camosun and UVIC as part of her nursing education. She then moved to Mississauga, Ontario where she worked in a teaching hospital. “I was an orthopedic nurse but when I had children, the shift work became impossible, so I went back to school to study gerontology, which has always been a love of mine.” She then worked in a day center for people with Alzheimer’s disease and dementias. “I worked there for several years before I began to feel the need for another change,” at which point she met some people who convinced her to go and teach at Humber College. “They were starting a bridging program to upgrade Personal Support Workers’ education. So I started teaching evening classes for Humber, and later for Sheridan College. From there, I worked my way up to full time at Humber, coordinating the Personal Support Worker program.”

In 2009 Julia returned to Victoria and started a job at the University of Victoria, coordinating Health Sciences programs in Continuing Studies.  “I wasn’t teaching, but I was using all the key components of what makes good education. However, I missed being in the classroom.” Eventually, Julia decided to check out Camosun College’s Health Care Assistant (HCA) program, which was similar to the one she coordinated in Ontario. “They were looking for people to teach evening classes, so I interviewed and started teaching at Camosun. Over time I was given more courses, in evenings and during the summer, and eventually left UVIC completely for Camosun.” In addition to teaching in the HCA program, Julia also has taught in the Practical Nursing program.

“Throughout my years at Camosun I’ve taught many, many courses, labs, field practicums, I’ve done curriculum development, and worked with accreditation, and during COVID I taught online and worked with one of the first groups of students allowed back on campus in the lab under heavy COVID restrictions. It was a challenge but what an opportunity to exercise our creatitvity!”

I asked Julia what she enjoys most about teaching. “It’s the people. I have been so fortunate to have worked with some of the very best people on the planet and that has made work a joy! When you present heavier topics, it takes work to make it interesting for students, especially when working with challenging topics such as death and dying. Teaching can be exhausting for me, however when you try something new and creative and it works, the students get it, they’re having fun, they’re all engaged…that’s magic to me. That’s Disneyland. It is worth every milligram of effort you put into your classes. I always also hope that I’m making a positive difference for all. I love hearing back from students who have graduated and knowing that I’ve somehow helped them along the way to achieve a job that they are enjoying. There’s no better reward.”

I asked Julia if the past few years, after the COVID move to online teaching, had an impact on her teaching.  “At that time, I found it so challenging to keep them engaged. But I learned that we have to keep working at it.  At the time, I was teaching HCA’s and Practical Nursing courses and engagement was challenging, especially in Collaborate with their cameras off. I couldn’t see their facial expressions, I couldn’t read the class which was frustrating. So, I started putting up the white board at the start of the class, and wrote student names on it asking them to write down five points from last class, one at a time.  And they loved that.” Julia brought that whiteboard activity into the in-person classroom. “The classes move very quickly and there is a huge amount of material students need to understand. So, I divided them into pairs, and each pair was responsible to give a summary on the board in the classroom [although they could opt out if they wanted to very few chose to do so]. At the start of the class, they had 15 minutes to summarize what they thought were the main points from the last class, (I could fill in the gaps afterwards, if necessary). Students are brilliant when you give them the opportunity to take charge of their learning! They would come in early and fill the boards with review material. They asked each other questions and then at the end of the course they voted on whose presentation they thought was most useful – not the best presentation, but the most useful. Other students would also correct presenters if they saw something inaccurate – it was a peer review rather than a teacher review. We had a lot of fun with that exercise.”

But one thing Julia has noticed since coming back in person is the rise in anxiety levels of students.  “We do a lot of testing, and many students are struggling. COVID changed how we teach, but I think our teaching perhaps needs to change even more. We need to look at how do we deal with the anxieties and ask questions like, is testing still the best way to assess students?”

One of the cohorts Julia co-facilitates is the ESL HCA cohort which runs for an entire year rather than six months. “Students take HCA courses in the morning, Monday through Friday, and they have ELD (English Language Development) courses Monday to Thursday afternoons with Friday afternoons off. The ELD instructors work closely with the HCA instructors, sometimes coming to the labs, listening to the types of things students need to say and the kind of work they are doing.  Then the ELD instructors will go over terminology and the language skills students need in their classes. Classes are small, and we work at a slower pace.” Julia has co-facilitated this course with another HCA instructor, Heather, for years.  “We have a rhythm, and work with language skills alongside the practicum skills. They are dedicated students, who have been very successful.” What Julia and other instructors have discovered is that the methods they use with the HCA ESL classes can also be used to support other regular HCA courses where there are often large numbers of international students or students who have English as a second language.

One of Julia’s favourite memories to share from her years of teaching was “Moving from the Lansdowne campus to the new CHW building at Interurban and into new lab space. The building is a beautiful space to teach and learn in. We have been able to provide so many engaging experiences for students. We are so privileged to be able to engage in such a phenomenal place.” Another more recent highlight which provided much pride and joy was participating with the Practical Nursing students in this year’s IDE Festival. The students ‘rocked it! I was so proud of each and every one of them.”

I asked Julia, who is retiring this July, what advice she might have for new faculty coming to teach at Camosun. “Let the students guide their learning. Yes, we hold knowledge, but we need to be able to share that stage and share the load, and work in partnership with students. We can then become facilitators, not just instructors. Every time you run a course change it up a little. Put a little of yourself in your course, share some of your own stories and connect the content to something real.” As for final words for all of us, Julia says what she ultimately wishes for our students is that they will find a strong passion during their journey here, just as she has found throughout her journey of teaching.

Camosun Story #80: Julia G

Julia G is an instructor in the School of Business where she currently teaches web design, social media marketing, and other applied business technology courses.  Julia was first hired at the college (after starting her own web design business in 2012) to work on updating the college website, but it was not long before she moved into teaching after being hired by the computer science department in 2014.  She moved into the School of Business in 2016 and has been there ever since.

Julia is one of those people who is not afraid to try new things.  She has taught in pretty much every possible mode (in person, online asynchronous, online synchronous, Hyflex), she has written an open textbook for her course on maintaining an online presence (which is updated with the help of students), she works with Generative AI, integrates all kinds of interesting technologies to support student learning, and the list goes on.  Of course, I was immediately distracted by how students update her open textbook and started our conversation by asking about that.  “I use [an online social annotation tool] and its commenting feature to allow students interested in making the textbook more robust to share their knowledge and expertise.  Some of those students have since been added right to the textbook’s Pressbook site so they can edit the book itself, and during my next SD period I will down and go through the textbook in more detail with them.” And as a bonus students receive editing attribution for their work.

Returning to my list of questions, I asked Julia what she likes best about teaching.  “I feel privileged to see people grow and learn, to see students take the information I’m trying to facilitate and the knowledge I’m trying to share and run with it. In addition, in many of my courses, students work with real clients from the community to build new websites for them – seeing students take what they have learned and apply it in real life contexts is what I love most about teaching.”

I asked Julia if she could talk a bit more about how students work with clients in her courses.  “I provide an expectations document for my students to ensure that the client’s expectations meet the students’ understanding that they, the students, own what they create during the class and if they choose to continue working with the client after the class, it would be (hopefully) on a paid basis – that this class experience is like a trial period working with the client.”  In the past, Julia herself sourced clients for her students.  “I worked with community childcare referrals, where the small business owners don’t often have the time or the know-how to put together a website for their daycare. But now I find students want to source their own clients and almost half my students this last term found their own clients to work with.” Julia believes when students find their own clients to work with, it motivates them to take their work more seriously.  In fact, “one of my students from last year was rehired by the client business to do some updates, and now she wants to build her own web design company – the course really spurred her passion for web design.”

Knowing Julia is always up for changing the way she teaches her courses I wondered if the last three years had had much of an impact on how she approaches her teaching. “I’ve changed a lot around how I present and create content since the pandemic, and online teaching has become my preference. I have three children and having the flexibility to teach asynchronously by preparing my content in advance and connecting with my students on Discord has decreased my stress level because I no longer have to run to multiple campuses to be in person for a set amount of time.”  In addition, Julia has begun teaching Hyflex.  “In all my courses, I use a Hyflex methodology where students can come to campus or choose not to. All of my material is in D2L published the Friday before the week starts, to encourage students to take responsibility for their learning and to allow me to focus on what we do in class, using in-person time to get my students to contribute their knowledge of, for example, web design. And because I have such diverse classrooms, we can share that diversity of knowledge with each other creating a more holistic learning experience.”

I have long been interested in Julia’s Hyflex model and asked if students appreciate the flexibility it gives them.  “I’d say a number of them are. Options for students are very important right now as they navigate work and life balance. I try to keep my online courses consistent week by week in terms of the amount of content, so I don’t overwhelm my online students. And because I want my students to come at the content from their own interests, a lot of my content is very reflective. For example, students will submit assignments and reflect on the context around the work that they’re submitting to give me a sense of how this course is meeting their needs. I find those reflections give me a sense of whether I’m overwhelming them, whether the content is appropriate for their goals, how the content leaves them feeling, in what spaces they’re working on the content, etc.  All this information helps me chunk my content to make it easily digestible, exciting, and student focused.”

Julia’s Hyflex methodology is not a true Hyflex, where some students are in the classroom and others online at the same time.  Her model blends an in-person group with an online, asynchronous group – but everyone is within one D2L site, and students know in advance that they have the option to come in person, or attend online, as it works for them. “There is definitely something lost if you’re not coming in person and I try to encourage my online students if they are struggling in the course, to come to the in-person sessions if they can. That doesn’t happen often, but the other way around does, where my in-person students decide that they can accomplish the course online because they feel confident because the content and the instructions are clear.  Then they can save the commute to campus and spend their time working through the course at their own pace. If my classroom is half full, that tells me my students are self directed and wanting to do their work in a quiet space.”

I asked Julia if she had some memories from her years of teaching to share.  “There have been quite a few students who have helped me take stock of my practice and rethink the things I do and how I do them. Just before the pandemic I had a student in the web design course who had some visual impairments, could not type very quickly, and struggled to keep up with the pace of my lectures and demos. I reworked the course to meet their needs – it was a humbling experience and something that I took very seriously.  I spent a lot of time with this student to make my courses accessible for them, and so they would be accessible for others in the future. That student pushed me to think outside of my box and to put accessibility first in my courses which is something that has been really important for me.”

And to help build some of that accessibility and make sure her content is working for all her students, Julie is exploring ungrading.  “I know that some students sit there quietly, not telling me that they’re struggling – I want their voices to be heard too. I’m piloting a little ungrading in some of my assessments this semester, and part of that is a five-minute check-in with each of my students. They have to fill out a survey in advance so that they have a sense of where they’re at, and then we can have a brief discussion about the results and where I think that they are at in terms of their learning, as in ‘Well, you started from knowing nothing about this subject and now, here you are.’ I can’t know if my course is working unless I connect with all my students and make sure it’s working for them in any given semester.  Being able to pivot and create new content and new experiences for my students is really what it’s all about.”

As we headed towards the end of our time together, I asked Julia what advice she might have for new faculty coming to teach at Camosun.  “Connect with as many like-minded faculty as you can. Share what you create and ask people to share with you.  Some of the best experiences I’ve had at the college have been those collaborative moments where I sat down with my colleagues and we built something incredible together, sharing in the learning of creating something new. I would tell them that CETL is a great place to connect with people who are interested in learning new tools, new tricks, new ways to do things. Then when the time is right for you, build your passions into your courses, but go slow – don’t throw everything into a new course at once!”

Julia ended our conversation with these words: “This semester, the Hyflex and the ungrading, they’ve really stretched me, which is fine. I like to be stretched; I like to do new things. I think if I ever teach the same thing over and over again, year after year, it might be time to retire. For now, I believe that letting go and changing things (not everything) is a healthy way to approach teaching.”

Camosun Story #79: Danielle

Danielle, an early childhood educator by trade, teaches in the Early Learning and Care program at the college, joining the program in 2018 as a term instructor, and becoming continuing in 2021. Her focus and expertise have been on “classroom design and how that facilitates learning for young children and leadership, so I often teach the second-year leadership courses and the environments classes.” 

I wondered what brought Danielle to teaching post-secondary teaching from working with children. “I believe that early childhood educators can change the world and that the children we work with are capable, competent, with ideas that need to be shared. After doing a lot of advocacy work in childcare, going into post-secondary, and working with future educators seemed like the next logical step for me, to give back to the field.” And she models those principles with the students in her classes, holding them as capable and competent, and helping them learn how to apply their own ideas. “I see both children and students in my classes as citizens, and if you look at everybody that way, you centre respect and care in your practice, whether you’re teaching adults or children.” 

I was particularly interested in an assignment Danielle and the students in her class worked on this last term, an Open Pedagogy assignment which resulted in an amazing artifact and has interesting possibilities for the future. The next several paragraphs are in Danielle’s own words. 

“The COVID pandemic offered opportunities to challenge how we think about assignments and to make learning more meaningful in complex situations. One of my focuses during the pandemic for the lab class was to find ways for students to complete assignments during class times to make that work more meaningful for them and for the childcare centers they’re learning to practice in. This assignment emerged from an inquiry assignment on the land. The assignment itself had always worked, but something felt like it was missing.  

I had had a powerful experience just before the pandemic with a group of students in a leadership class where we decided the second day of class to scrap one assignment and design another together. As a result of their engagement with the assignment they created, I could clearly see how they were connecting to the course learning outcomes. I then wondered how I could do this in an environment class, and what emerged was a learning outcome around inquiry into the land. In the assignments package for the course, I included information that we were going to design and create a shared resource together (but not what the specific resource would be) along the steps we would be following. 

Once we decided what the assignment would look like I invited childcare services out onto the land with the students, explaining that we would be building a collaborative resource, and bringing examples of collaborative resources that have been created in our community to inspire them. In the end, the students decided to create a book on plant knowledge for early learning centers. We discussed formatting to create a cohesive design for the book, we looked at what programs they could use, deciding on Canva, we picked a font and a colour template, and we picked graphics. Then for the assignment itself, we decided we would go out on the land, and each of them would find a plant to get to know.  

Students spent a month on the land for three hours a class visiting and learning more about their plants, and educators and children joined us for one full day. Then each of them drafted the story of their relationship with the plant, including information about the plant. The final product was a beautiful book which we planned to present to their practicum mentors. Each page in the book has a photograph of a plant along with student entries, some telling the story of their relationship with the plant, some that are more factual in nature. We included an acknowledgments page to acknowledge the land we were on (including a picture of it) as well as the children and other educators who joined us on the land. I had the book printed in colour and I could see centers taking it out on hikes or out onto the land with children, looking for the plants.” 

I wondered how Danielle and the students decided where on the land to find plants for their project. “We spent some time visiting places, and in the end decided to spend our time on a location off the dog walk trail going towards the HCP gardens [near Interurban campus] as well as in the daffodil field. I had a lot of international students in this group who were feeling very burnt out, and the day we went to the daffodil field was a magical day for them.” I also wondered how Danielle chose which outcome(s) would be opened for students to create their own assignment. “There were a couple of outcomes I wanted this assignment to meet and one of them was about being on the land and acknowledging past harms, to build and foster relationships between students and the land, so they then go and foster those same relationships with children and families.” 

Danielle knew she was taking a risk, having students build an assignment to meet course outcomes and wondered if it would work out. “I can’t believe we put such a rich resource together in a month. It really felt heart centered and I’m excited to see what happens next.” Which led me to my next question around what is next for this book? “I’m thinking of approaching childcare resource centres to see if they want copies in their lending library, sharing it with childcare centers who spend time on the land with children, and also go to conferences to share this experience.”  

Danielle also plans to stick to this assignment in the future. “It’s going to be different every time, and that’s the beauty of it. I am interested to see how this assignment will evolve with each group of students, who will now have some control over their own learning. That can be scary, having a blank page in your assignments package that says, ‘there’s no assignment here – we’re going to design it on March 5.’ But when I’m working with children, I don’t have everything planned out because I look to see where the children’s interests are, and this is an opportunity to take that practice and use it with adult students. I’ll have a story like this every term!” 

As we came to the end of our lively conversation, Danielle had a few final words for me, and you “The pandemic helped me embrace what a class would look like where students could complete all their assignments in class rather than having to work for hours outside of class. What a class would look like if we didn’t use a PowerPoint all the time but were more engaging. And what would happen if we were empowered to try something different.” 

Camosun Story #78: Mary

Mary has been an instructor in the BSN (Baccalaureate of Science in Nursing) program at Camosun College since January 2000.  Prior to that she graduated from Camosun with an Associate of Arts and Nursing Diploma (1992), then completed a Post Registered Nurse program Bachelor of Science of Nursing (BSN) from the University of Victoria, followed by a Master of Science of Nursing (MSN) at the University of British Columbia (UBC). All the while, Mary was working as a nurse spending much of her time in both complex and acute care hospital settings.

Mary has always had a passion for teaching. “In the master’s program at UBC you can focus on different streams, one of which is curriculum education. My curriculum education instructor, Dr. Barbara Paterson, talked to us about how important it is for teaching to be meaningful and fun, and that you want to meet the students where they’re at. I was drawn to that perspective on education, and it’s something I’ve continued throughout my career as an educator.” When Mary graduated from UBC, she continued to work as a Registered Nurse at the bedside but began to consider what else she wanted to do. Dr. Paterson’s words stuck with her, so she asked some of her mentors if she should apply for teaching jobs, and they told her yes! While Camosun was not hiring when Mary applied, one of the instructors in the program suddenly had to go on leave and Mary was brought in to teach her class. “And that was how I began to share my passion for nursing and teaching with the student nurses at Camosun.”

For the first few years Mary taught, she went back and forth between teaching first- and second-year courses, “but I gravitated towards the first year because that’s where we introduce and teach our students about complex care, independent living, and older adults. I also enjoy working with students who are new to the college life. When I was a student at Camosun, I found the transition from high school to college life very stressful, but the supports I got made all the difference in transitioning from that smaller environment to the larger environment. So, I really enjoy those first few months where you’re really supporting new students; it’s almost like when, as a nurse, you assess your patients when admitting them to find what supports they need.”

I wondered what else, aside from supporting first year students, Mary enjoyed about teaching.  “I have a passion for supporting Indigenous students. The Nursing program began to save seats for Indigenous students in the early 2000’s. Before HHS hired an Indigenous Support Coordinator, I and other instructors provided support for the new Indigenous students.  I am especially inspired by Indigenous Liaison Nurses and Indigenous nurses in our communities, and I continue to incorporate Indigenous education knowledge into my classes and support the students.”

In addition, Mary told me that being an instructor “feels like Christmas time all the time.  Students are so excited when they see something new, for example when my first-year students are out in nursing practice for the first time – they’re in their Camosun scrub uniforms, getting to know their clients, and having that textbook relational practice become real. I feel so honored to see the light, the happiness, the engagement, and the care that happens, to see that I am making a difference in their lives.” And Mary especially loves it when she runs into past students in the hospital that are now RNs, knowing that she had a part in where they are now. “It energizes me to know that even if I’m not directly caring for those patients somebody I taught is, someone who has been inspired by something I did or said. I love being a nurse, and I love being an educator. What an honor to be able to combine two amazing careers into one.”

I wondered what teaching life was like for Mary when we all had to move online during COVID, and what she has kept from that time.  “Even before we went online, I was working with Sue Doner in CETL to learn how to better use D2L, for example learning how to use rubrics and grade online. Then when we moved online, I was not as stressed, and this made transition for me easier. We all, however, spent long days creating all the learning plans and the online activities. What I’ve kept from that time were some neat learning activities that we can send to students – home study packages and reflections they can complete to get ready for nursing practice. Some of them I’ve had to change, but those have been great resources.”  But Mary is still using some of the videos they created during COVID and has kept her virtual office hours.

As always, I was curious if Mary had some specific memories from her years of teaching to share. “For me, it’s those critical moments, when the teaching and the experiential learning come together at the bedside of a client. Or when a student is giving personal care for the first time on their own and I’m observing. Those moments are inspirational because you’re seeing the students make a difference. For example, I had a student a few years ago who had been working with a client and, on her own, had written up a summary of suggestions for the Clinical Nurse Leader (CNL) to share with the staff about how she had worked with this client and which things had worked well. Another time we had a client who was passing away and two students felt so compassionate they asked if they could work with just that client.  They spent the rest of the shift attending to the client and being there for the family. I didn’t organize that – the students did. You have to be open to in-the-moments experiences like these because sometimes they support the best learning.”

This piece about students being in control of their own learning is important to Mary. “It’s not about my agenda, it’s about them meeting their learning goals. We ask students to create learning plans, and some of them ask, what do you want me to write? To which I reply, what is important to you? While there are learning outcomes that must be achieved in courses, some can be more flexible and when students assign their own meaning to them, then learning happens more easily.”

I asked Mary what advice she might have for new faculty at Camosun. “Be kind to yourself – it’s a steep learning curve, becoming an instructor. Take the Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW) early on and find mentors both in nursing and in places like CETL. Try new things and be ok when they don’t land perfectly because students enjoy engaging in a variety of activities. Attend the Great Teachers conference because you will learn so much from other instructors.  Use your professional development time wisely – it goes fast and can get eaten up by curriculum development so try to read a few articles every semester for yourself, not just for your teaching. And remember: to be a good teacher, you have to be a good student and open to constructive criticism. And finally, just be open to all the exciting things that we’re privileged to have access to here at Camosun College.”

Camosun Story #77: Stephanie

Stephanie is a term instructor in the Social Sciences department where she teaches geography courses.  She has not been at the college long (since fall, 2023) and as a term instructor, does not always know if or when she will be teaching again. But she had an amazing story to tell and some great insights on teaching and learning to share.

Stephanie grew up in Arkansas where she completed a bachelor’s with a double major in geography and Arab studies.  After completing a master’s in geography, Stephanie studied tourism in Tunisia before beginning her doctoral studies in environmental studies at York University (moving to Canada for the first time). During all of this, and in between studies, she traveled, attended the American University in Morocco and the Borgiba Institute for Languages in Tunis, worked with World Heritage Sites, specifically in Carthage, then returned to the United States to study American nationalism and identity on landscapes of national parks. Finally, she moved to Qatar with her husband who works in medical imaging IT, where they spent six years before returning to Canada in 2022. “I worked at the US army base with Afghan refugees. We built a school and brought kids together. We would go out into the community and distribute donations. And I ended up teaching English – I never thought of being an English teacher, but it was what was needed.”

After renewing her permanent residency in Canada, Stephanie applied to be a substitute geography instructor at Camosun, a job she did during the winter term of 2023. Then, in the fall of 2023, she came on board as a term instructor teaching two sections of Geography 100, one blended and one in-person. And this past winter term, Stephanie was teaching a full course load, including courses on resource and environmental management, environmental sustainability, and the geography of Canada. As overwhelming as starting to teach at a new institution then taking on a full load of teaching has been for her, Stephanie tells me she has had a lot of help. Her chair at the time was with her every step of the way, and she also had help from some of my colleagues in CETL, as well as her subject liaison librarian, telling me that “every person has been amazing!”

When I asked Stephanie what drew her to teaching and what she enjoys most about it, she immediately answered, the students. “My weekends are busy with course work and sometimes I get bogged down. But when I get back with the students, it’s very energizing and I remember why I’m doing this. In spite of the ups and downs that come with teaching, I just want to engage and empower the students; I want to show them the world.”

I also wondered about her experience teaching a blended course.  “Even though I did teach and take classes online during COVID, the blended concept was completely new to me. I taught two blended sections in the winter 2024 term – one ran during the day and the other in the evening and the students in each section had very different needs. I found it challenging but Derek in CETL helped me pick out some books about online learning, and I talked to Susan Chen and Katie Waterhouse [both instructors who teach blended courses.] I would redesign the courses if given the opportunity, but you don’t always know what needs to be changed until you’re in the middle of teaching.” Right now, as a term faculty member, Stephanie unfortunately does not have the Scheduled Development time she would need to redesign the courses. But she didn’t start with nothing. “My chair was very generous in sharing her content, and I inherited some content from another faculty member, so all I had to do was fill some gaps, integrate current topics, and add a bit of myself. The blend itself was one class a week in person with the rest asynchronous in D2L, so I also had to figure out what belonged online and what needed to be in-person. Sometimes I recorded lectures, sometimes the lecture was in person and the lab activity was online – it depended on the class. I worked hard to make the courses successful, but I could only do so much with the time I had.”

I asked Stephanie if any memories of the past year of teaching had stuck with her.  “I think just making connections with students and those moments when you say something that opens their eyes to something new. For example, in the resource and environmental management course I asked students if they had heard about the ring of fire. And everyone said yes, until they realized I was talking about the ring of fire in Northern Ontario which none of them knew about, even the Canadians from Ontario. When you hook them, they get excited. For me, that’s the best part.”

Stephanie has had many international students in her courses.  “It’s amazing to have students from all over the world because they bring different perspectives.” Stephanie worked with Cristina Petersen (one of our Multilingual Support Specialists) to support her international students on how to take notes, and to provide definitions for terms they find challenging. “When I get frustrated because students aren’t coming to class or taking notes, I remind myself that every student, international or not, has their own struggles, preferences for how to learn, and reasons for being here.” Stephanie can also relate to international students because she is international herself. “In one class, we were talking about forestry in British Columbia and I asked ‘who here can vote in Canada?’ Well, of course, I can’t and that I think that helped some of the international students, knowing that I’m not from here either.”

As we came to the end of our conversation, I asked Stephanie, as a fairly new faculty member, what she would like to have had or known when she started teaching at Camosun, and what advice she would have for other new faculty.  Her answer echoed what I have heard from many other term instructors: “I would have liked to have had more time before the start of the term to figure out what I was doing, because that first term was tough. Getting a C-number, getting access to D2L and learning how to use it, etc.” In addition, Stephanie spoke to the uncertainty of not knowing if she would be teaching again in the future until the last minute, and imagining what she could do with her courses if she had more time to prepare. “As far as what would I tell new faculty: Be annoying. Ask questions. If you’re wondering about the writing center go over and knock on the door and introduce yourself. Just be annoying – it’s okay. People will be kind to you.  But you’re not going to find out unless you keep asking questions.”

Camosun Story #76 Thuy

Thuy has been a faculty member in the Biology Department at Camosun College since 1999. Thuy was finishing her master’s in molecular and developmental genetics, and had transferred into the PhD program, but after passing the PhD qualifying exam left her wandering the streets of Montreal feeling empty instead of elated, she decided teaching was really what she wanted to do.  She was accepted into the education program at McGill where she completed a two-year degree. And the rest is history.  I have spoken to Thuy a few times in the past about her teaching (sometimes on nice walks around the campus), and was really looking forward to sharing some of her insights with others.

Thuy started out teaching introductory biology courses, then began teaching anatomy and physiology (A&P) to first-year nursing students.  After 15 years of teaching A&P, an opportunity came up for her to teach the infectious disease course.  At first, Thuy was not interested, but as she thought about it (and became fascinated with sourdough cultures) she decided to give it a try, and in Fall of 2019 found herself teaching three new courses, one being the infectious disease course.  “I remember teaching my infectious disease students that first fall, talking about Ebola and other diseases where the World Health Organization will come in to mitigate spread of the disease during an outbreak. To help students understand the challenges of public health and relate to the people living through the Ebola outbreak, I said ‘can you imagine if you got sick, and people in blue vests came and said, you can’t get together with your family this Christmas because you have a respiratory illness?’ And then, COVID happened. Teaching this course turned out to be a good thing for me, because despite the horror of switching to online teaching, because I was still new to infectious disease, I found myself very curious about COVID rather than worn down by it.”

I asked Thuy what she likes best about her life as an instructor.  “I really like the creative aspect of it and the problem solving and I like learning and trying new things, whether it’s new material or new students with new problems. I find the challenges of, for example, making a particular piece of content more accessible or easier to understand, fun. And the best challenges are when students come for help, you work with them, and then see them achieve what they want – that’s really exciting. But I do find it hard when students are struggling but you have no idea if it’s a personal struggle, a content-related struggle, or a learning skills struggle – sometimes it can be difficult to support in those circumstances.”

Going back to her online teaching experience (which she found especially challenging) during COVID, I asked Thuy if there were things she continued to integrate into her teaching since coming back to in-person teaching. “I have continued to record my lectures and make them available to students, and I provide notes for them in D2L, first, to reduce stress for people who can’t make it because of illness and also to support international students, or for any student really.  For example, while my dental hygiene students come to every class, most of them watch the recordings in case they missed something. Some students don’t take notes in class anymore because they find it more effective to focus and listen and not have to worry about taking notes too.”

I wondered if Thuy had any memories of past 25 years of teaching that stuck out for her.  “There were two students – I don’t remember their names, but I still think about them sometimes. Both of them came to me for help and I spent a lot of time with them. When they came to my office, I would ask them about various topics, and they could talk to me about those topics with no problem.  However, when it came to writing the exams, they would falter. I began to feel that oral exams would have worked better for them., but at that time I didn’t know how to go about offering oral exams as an option in a way that would have seemed fair and not additionally stressful for them. Maybe if I had tried it, or if I had been able to talk to somebody who had already tried it I could have helped these students more.”

I asked Thuy what advice she might have for new instructors at Camosun.  “It doesn’t matter if you’re new or if you’ve been teaching for a while, sometimes things don’t go well, and you can lose confidence. One image which helps me when I feel really, really low, is that what I am doing is scrunching down low so that I can suddenly leap up – that periods of downs are actually periods of powering up.  Thinking about them that way can really help. In addition, so often when we as teachers get evaluations, 95% of them will be great, but those other one or two comments are the ones that hurt you, that stick with you.  But don’t hold those negative comments to your heart.”  Thuy said she thought this same idea would be helpful for students as well.  “One bad exam can be demotivating enough to make students give up. Instead, we need to all remember to use those failures as feedback. Everyone fails at one time or another and it’s not the failing that’s important, it’s what you do afterwards that matters.”

As we wrapped up our conversation, Thuy wanted to share one more story with me.  “To support students to develop their voice, I ask them to do presentations, but not in front of the entire class. Instead, they present to small groups of people at stations in the classroom. As students in the audience move from station to station, the presenting students repeat the same ten-minute presentation many times, so they become more comfortable with presenting. My dental hygiene students do this twice in one semester and once in the following semester, and by the end they have learned how to narrow down what is important, how to create visuals for the presentation, how to engage their audience and are better prepared for their capstone project, a presentation in front of 30 dentists and dental health professionals!” What a wonderful model for building an essential, transferable skill in a supportive environment.  I am looking forward to our next walk to find out what she is exploring next.

Camosun Story #75: Kristin

Kristin is an instructor in the School of Health and Human Services.  She has a background in mental health and curriculum and instruction and was hired by Camosun over 20 years ago on a contract to start a community mental health credential.  She has since worked not only to grow that program, but to develop other credentials. Today, Kristin teaches courses in the Mental Health and Addition program, as well as in the Interprofessional Mental Health and Addiction post-graduate diploma, and the Community Family and Child Studies program.

Kristin says “I came to Camosun with a non-traditional perspective of teaching. I was working with groups in psychiatry and mental health and was drawn to building relationships with students.  Our programs attract many students with their own mental health and substance use challenges, so it’s important to meet students where they’re at to recognize their strengths and support their motivation. Nothing warms my heart more than hearing grads tell us how much they changed through the program, or even partway through.”

I wondered where the students in Kristin’s program come from.  “Many times, they’re coming from support or work positions in residential settings, street programs, outreach, etc. In the classroom, students engage in reflection and self-awareness so they can become more grounded in their own values and beliefs;  if you’re going to develop relationships with the people you’re supporting, you need to understand your own perspectives to be accepting of others’ values, beliefs, and perspectives.”

I asked Kristin what impact the past three years have had on her teaching.  “Being online during COVID highlighted engagement, because if we can’t engage students in any context, online or face-to-face, then they’re not to grow and become who they need to be in order to support others. That experience pushed us as faculty to be responsive and figure out how we were going to keep students engaged and motivated when we didn’t have the containment of the classroom.” But luckily, the programs were approved to have some in-person sessions during the height of the pandemic. “It was worth the work to get classroom time on campus, and students appreciated the opportunity to work on their skill development with others.”  Kristin herself is skeptical of how relationships can be built online but appreciates that many of their grads will need to engage with clients through online platforms, making online learning relevant for them. “Some of our graduates will need to use technology to connect with and assess clients and right now we’re revamping our professional communication courses to include content on digital literacy to help students think more about the benefits of technology, and  ultimately help their clients navigate the Internet to find relevant information and reliable resources.”

One activity in one course in the program Kristin has kept from the online teaching days was one where students work in small groups and record video of themselves leading group sessions.  The video allows students to not only observe the activity and evaluate things like facial expressions, but also allows them to watch the video again and conduct a self-evaluation of the session. In addition, an assignment that required students conduct interviews at an organization on-site, but had to move online during the pandemic, has been revised to include online interviews as an option.  “This helps because professionals out in the field are very busy and the online interview option means students have more opportunities to connect with them while being more respectful of the professional’s time because they can choose what works best for them.”

Since Kristin has been teaching at Camosun for so long, I knew she must have some memories that stick in her mind. “I recall the first graduation ceremony I went to and seeing the excitement in the grads waiting to get their parchment. I was ready to shake their hands as they crossed the stage but instead, I got hugs! It was amazing to see that I meant more to them than I thought, and I felt very blessed to be a part of their learning journey.”  Another thing Kristin appreciates is the diversity of students in her classes and the relationships they build together. “We get such an eclectic group of students in our program, of all ages and with all kinds of experience and education. I still have grads from years ago contact me to let me know what they are doing now – it’s those relationships I always think about, as well as the collective wisdom that the variety of students brings to the program.”  But what Kristin really wanted me to know about her students was how much they want to be here.  “We get a lot of people that need to make career changes and have put a lot of thought into what’s going to bring them purpose in their lives. Some have retired and decided retirement is not for them, some have been in recovery and want to learn how to help others in recovery. There are so many different reasons people come to the program, but everyone’s passionate and thirsty for knowledge, and that’s what’s so exciting.”

I asked Kristin what advice she might have for new instructors in her program or at Camosun in general. “Connect with other faculty to ask about strategies and talk about challenges. Don’t take things that happen in the classroom personally because you never know why someone might be reacting the way they are. Instead, engage with that student and figure out what’s going on rather than make assumptions because that personal engagement goes a long way to help that student sort out what’s getting in the way. New instructors might not feel confident in responding to something unexpected happening in the classroom that might have them questioning their ability as an instructor.  It’s ok to say, ‘let me think about that and get back to you’ and not feel compelled to say something right then and there.”

As we wrapped up our discussion, Kristin said, “I’ve been really fortunate to be in a program with students who are passionate about learning, and I also learn from my students – I’m always changing the way I do things and am grateful that we have that freedom as instructors and as a program to be responsive to what’s going on in the community. That ability to adjust and respond to the needs of students and the people they will ultimately be serving, as well as the students themselves, makes it all worthwhile”.

Camosun Story #74: Nancy

Nancy became an instructor in the Visual Arts Department at Camosun in 1997 when she began teaching photography while completing her Master’s in art history. Currently, Nancy teaches several courses, including Modern Art History, Visual Culture, Digital Photography and Filmmaking, and Film Photography. Nancy told me that her current art practice revolves around creative writing, either on its own or in conjunction with photographs.

I sat down with Nancy to find out more about how Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) has affected her teaching and her students, and she began by talking the impact GenAI has had on how she approaches her lecture-based courses. “I knew I had to start by looking at my exams. I typically provide an exam overview so that students can focus their studying and spend more time with course material. They could bring in these notes on paper or access the information from the desktop. I had open-book exams because my philosophy is that exams are opportunities for students to show off their knowledge. I use the D2L Quiz tool and allowed students to cut and paste in their answers which supports students who don’t have strong keyboarding skills and those who may struggle with English. But last summer when I was teach Modern art history, I noticed that about a third of the exam answers did not sound like students wrote them, so I felt I had to make a change. But rather than moving to pen and paper exams like some faculty have, I decided that students could bring in as much printed information as they wanted into the exam but would have to type their answers into D2L rather than copy and paste. In addition, I changed the kinds of questions I asked on the exam.”

In addition to changing her exams, GenAI also made Nancy rethink the research papers in her art history courses. Moving from her model students creating an essay proposal early in the term and handing in a final paper at the end of term, Nancy now starts with “a series of small, kickstart assignments working up to the essay proposal: a thesis statement, an outline, a bibliography of ten sources – all providing proof that students did their own work. I tell them that if I don’t think they’re doing their own work, we’re going to have a conversation.” In addition, Nancy provides a statement in her syllabi around GenAI and how it should and should not be used, not endorsing its use, but acknowledging its existence and potential as a tool.

In preparation for these changes to her assessments, Nancy decided it was important to learn how to use ChatGPT – to find out more about what it can and can’t do.  One of the first things she did was ask ChatGPT to help her revise a lecture on Russian Constructivism. “Normally writing a lecture takes 10 hours to research it, 10 hours to find the visuals and create the PowerPoint presentation, check everything for copyright, etc. So, I put everything into ChatGPT and in 10 seconds I had an outline for a lecture. I went through it, and it was pretty good – ChatGPT even included ideas I had not considered.” Nancy was elevated, but wondered, “if I’m using ChatGPT to generate lectures outlines, but telling students they can’t use it to generate ideas, am I a hypocrite? But I brought myself back to how I talk about GenAI with students, asking are you using it as a tool or a crutch?” Because in the end, as much as ChatGPT helped Nancy create her lecture outline, she still had to spend time reviewing the results before finishing it. For example, “I asked ChatGPT if other painters were painting the Death of Sardanapalus in the 1800s. It generated a list of well-known artists, the titles of the paintings, and even dates. But when I started to research these leads, all the information was fabricated.” It was an important lesson in the importance of checking ChatGPT’s work and letting students know to do the same. “I tell students if you’re going to use it, then you need to follow-up, which can be more work than just sitting in the library and typing in your keywords. And as instructors we need to understand how GenAI tools work so we can find a middle ground between ignoring it and letting its use go unchecked. Maybe someday we will see a shift in education where there is less emphasis placed on generating information and more on research and editing, where GenAI finds information and students are responsible for checking for its accuracy and then finessing the writing.”

I asked Nancy how her colleagues around the college are handling GenAI tool use in the classroom. “A tool like ChatGPT represents a big adjustment and people will embrace it slowly as they start to see what other people are doing with it. While some instructors are reverting to pen and paper assessment, a lot of people I talk to about ChatGPT are excited when I tell them how I created a rubric in 10 seconds and then spent 30 minutes to finalize it.”  What Nancy finds is that it’s in those hallway conversations where we share what we’ve tried, how we’ve failed, what we are doing to do differently, etc. that gives us courage to try something new or think about our teaching practice in a different way.

I was curious if Nancy had noticed any questions around AI in her photography classes. “I had a student last year who wondered why were not working with AI in our classes, which is a good question, but I still have to think about how it could be used creatively. If students are gathering information to create something, then AI is just another tool to support that. But using AI to create art is another thing. When I teach Photoshop [a tool which integrates AI] for example, I want students to think about why they choose AI generated effects, and not just say, ‘because it looks cool.’  Maybe another one of our roles as educators is to help students gain the language around the why.”

I’ve known Nancy for a few years now, and she is always ready to try new things to enhance her teaching, so I was happy to hear how she is embracing GenAI in these small ways. “New tools push me as an instructor, push me as an artist, push me as a human, and help me reevaluate and let go of my preconceptions. So often new things that are out of our control, like GenAI, cause people to shut down. But for me, when I start to panic, I think, okay, it’s just a tool. Let’s see what we can do with it.”

Camosun Story #72: Robin and Ungrading

You may remember Robin from such stories as Camosun Story #7 (SO long ago) and Becoming Unravelled: a reflection.  Robin is both a faculty member in the Community, Family & Child Studies (CFCS) program as well as an Educational Developer in the Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning.  A few weeks ago, I sat down with Robin to talk about his journey into ungrading, foreshadowed by his Unravelled post.

“This journey for me began when I started with CETL last year. I facilitated the book club with a book about ungrading already assigned, and then wrote my reflection blog post. But for awhile now I’ve been grappling with how to make sure everything I do aligns with my principles of teaching and learning, and wondering how we can grade students for their efforts when grading is not at all an objective measurement of their learning.”

Robin’s work with the book club clarified that he was not alone in struggling with having to assign grades. “Students are supposed to make mistakes, try things out, and practice” and grading them at every step along the way may not encourage them to continue in that ongoing learning whether that grade is “good” or not.  And when Robin read the ungrading book he realized that he had already been doing quite a bit of ungrading. “For example, in the CFCS diploma, we have practicum courses that aren’t graded – those courses are assessed as complete or not complete and the assignments all align with that. Students are expected to meet learning outcomes to a level where they’re ready to practice independently in the community.  So, if an assignment doesn’t reflect that ability, we ask them to redo it and explain how they can improve.” But what Robin realized was that the other courses students take were not preparing them for that practicum learning experience, although within those graded courses, Robin was providing assignments that were NOT graded.  “For example, if students are doing presentations, they will for the most part receive an A because they are taking a risk by standing up and speaking and you don’t want to discourage them.”  But the conversations Robin had in book club helped him realize that ungrading was important for every assignment. As a result, Robin decided to move a class he had taught many times completely into the world of ungrading for the following Fall term.

“The course I ungraded is CFCS 110, Foundations for Practice, and is a first semester course in a two-year diploma program. Melissa (another ungrader) shared some examples of wording she used to describe ungrading to students, and I made some modifications to my course using those examples. I got rid of any of the one and done assignments and made sure all assignments were formative.” Robin noted that ungrading research discusses how ungrading is both positive for students and disruptive, because it is a radical change from how they are used to being assessed. Communicating clearly and regularly with students is, therefore, essential to build their comfort with ungrading.  “At the very beginning of the course, I described the ungrading process to students and gave them a document describing the reasons for ungrading, what some of the problems are with grading, and why this could be valuable to their learning. I explained that I would give them regular feedback on their assignments, but they wouldn’t receive a letter grade for their assignments. I also clarified how redoing assignments would work to meet the course expectations.”

Robin chose to provide audio feedback to students so that they could hear his voice explaining clearly what he saw that they were doing well in the assignment, and places that they could improve for the next assignment or for a resubmission if that was needed. “Audio feedback is easy to create, can be more detailed, and supports building a relationship with the learner much better than written feedback.”

Robin also met with students individually right before the midpoint of the course, taking class time to do so. “That took a couple weeks to complete.  I intended to meet again with each of them towards the end of the semester, but I did not manage that this time around.” While time consuming, Robin feels this piece of the switch to ungrading is critical, to build trust in the feedback process, and making sure he was always following through with his commitments to them.

Because self-reflection is an important component in ungrading, Robin had his students reflect on their progress at both the midpoint and the end of the course. “When you ask students to assign a letter grade for themselves, you reserve the right to adjust it, which opens the door to a conversation if there’s disagreement.”  Robin asks things like: How do you see yourself progressing over the semester? Have you responded to feedback from one assignment for the next? “In my past courses students have often been dragged down by a weak assignment at the beginning of the semester meaning their final grade may not reflect where they’ve come to by the end of the semester. None of that is a factor with the ungrading process because their letter grade is based on how they see themselves progressing and what they’ve learned by the end of the course.”

Whether you use ungrading or not, students need to receive a letter grade, and Robin wondered how students would assess themselves – would they all give themselves an A+?  “I came to two conclusions. First was that letter grades, no matter how hard we try, are subjective measures of something, and not necessarily learning, so why am I worried about what grade students are assigning? Second was that research says students are typically harder on themselves with their grades that we are, and I found that was true in many cases, where students assigned themselves a letter grade which was lower than I would have.”

Robin also puzzled over the disconnect between ungrading and having to assign a grade.  “If I tell students that the letter grade system is subjective for instructors to assign, how can I expect them to assign themselves a grade? So, I discussed that apparent contradiction with students and provided them with a clear rubric. And I know some ungrading instructors will build that rubric with students, so they have even more of an understanding of what it is that they’re working towards.” Another challenge Robin has with letter grades is how they turn education into something that is ranked.  “In real life, after they complete college, students will go to work, get feedback on the work they do, and use that feedback to improve – that’s the way our whole world works.  So why don’t we make sure that we’re aligning that with how we’re teaching here?”

Robin was happy with how his first foray into ungrading went. “I received positive feedback from students both during the course and at the end. In fact, I had one student tell me that she felt like she had never learned in school before, but now she felt like she was learning.  She could focus on the content and not worry about meeting the instructor’s expectations in order to get the right grade.”

Even beyond improving student learning, Robin found that “the process of reviewing student assignments and giving them feedback was so much more enjoyable and productive than it has been for me in the past. Being able to simply focus in on the feedback, and not have to worry about how my feedback connected with a letter grade, wasn’t only freeing, but it was much better aligned with how I see effective education.” And students were excited to receive his feedback.  “Students told me that in the past they have been anxious and worried about looking at their feedback, but now they were looking forward to it so that they could improve their next assignment.”

I asked Robin if he had spoken to any of his colleagues about ungrading. “Colleagues agree with me about the incongruity between letter grades and the work we’re trying to do as instructors. But they wonder: Will students be motivated? Will they be confused by the lack of grading? But the nice thing about ungrading is that there are many ways to implement it.” Although Robin cautions, implementing ungrading is more work for the students. “Students may be redoing an assignment instead of just moving on to the next one and reflecting on their experience and learning process. But I’ve never had such consistent attendance as I had this last semester, probably because the assignments were designed such that students needed to be in the classroom, engaging with the material and each other, in order to successfully complete them.”

I wondered what advice Robin might have for faculty wanting to try out some ungrading. “I’m really privileged because in my program, there are no multiple sections of classes and faculty are all working with the same cohort of students, so we don’t have the pressure for every course section to be similar. But I think there are some guiding principles that are helpful. First, be transparent. Talk with your students about what you’re doing and why, laying it out clearly for them and following through with your commitments to them.” Second, start small.  “Try revising one or two assignments to be ungraded rather than your entire course.”  And third, consider the time commitment. Set expectations on how often you meet with students and discuss feedback with them, as well as due dates for resubmitted assignment to help you manage your time.

What is the future of ungrading for Robin? “I have a hard time imagining myself not using it in the future. Next time I teach a letter grade course my plan is to ungrade it. If I can do it in a first semester course, I can do it anywhere else in the program. And I will continue to talk with my colleagues about if and where they might want to try ungrading out.”  But will he change anything?  “Yes. There were quite a few students at the end of the semester who still had to resubmit assignments, so I need to be clearer about the resubmission process to help students stay on track a bit better. And I want to find space for more individual meetings with students.”

In the end, Robin says he was surprised, but gratified, to see the shift in how students responded to assignment feedback.  “I didn’t change the way I was giving feedback – audio feedback, focusing on positives – I just removed the grade and thus the pressure on students. The only difference was removing that letter grade.”