Did you know all our eLearning Tutorials were licenced CC-BY? This means that you can take and use, adapt, modify our tutorial documents for any purpose! Â So, if you want to take our materials and use or adapt them for your own situation, please feel free! The only thing we ask is that, in addition to attributing us as the original authors, if you make improvements, please send them back to us so we can share those improvements with everyone.
And while I have you here, here are the six Creative Commons (CC) licenses that can be created from the four CC licence elements – note that all six licenses require attribution.
 “CC BY” allows people to use the work for any purpose.
 “BY-SA” allows people to use the work for any purpose, but adaptations must be made available under the same or a compatible license.
“BY-NC” allows people to use the work for any noncommercial purpose (so, they can’t make a profit from the work or adaptations of it).
 “BY-NC-SA” allows people to use the work for noncommercial purposes, but must be made available under the same or a compatible license.
 “BY-ND” allows people to use the work for any purpose (even commercially) but NOT to adapt it.
 “BY-NC-ND” allows people to use only the un-adapted work for noncommercial purposes.
For those of you who would like to see an more visual explanation of these elements and licenses, here is a video from censiCLICK (note that this video also explains the relationship between CC licenses and the public domain, which I will talk more about later in this post).
Creative Commons Licenses, Explained