Cleaning Out Your D2L Course Site

For some of you, getting your D2L course ready for the next term means copying the latest version of the course into your Master or DEV course. But before you copy, make sure your Master or DEV course site is cleaned out, because if you copy duplicate content, quizzes, etc., D2L will duplicate all of those items, NOT write over them.

So, to prep your Master or DEV course site for copying back from the latest live course, follow the steps in this tutorial post for how to delete material from the various tools in D2L.  Note that you cannot “delete all” in a course in one step – you will need to delete the content/activities in each tool used in the course separately.  We recommend that you do not delete everything in course site that has student data in it (i.e., a course site for a past offering).  It is better to do this in a DEV or MASTER course site only.

If the course you are deleting from also has custom homepages or navigation bars, or incorporates tools beyond the list below (for example the Glossary or Survey tools), you will need to delete content contained in those tools as well.  If you are unsure of how to delete content from homepages, navigation bars or other tools not included in this tutorial, contact for assistance.

Deleting Content and Files in File Manager

  1. Go to the Content tool in your course
  2. CourseAdmin-DeleteAll-Content1
  3. CourseAdmin-DeleteAll-Content2
  4. CourseAdmin-DeleteAll-Content3
  5. CourseAdmin-DeleteAll-Content4
  6. CourseAdmin-DeleteAll-Content5

Deleting Quizzes

  1. Go to the Quizzes tool in your course.
  2. CourseAdmin-DeleteAll-Quizzes1
  3. CourseAdmin-DeleteAll-Quizzes2
  4. CourseAdmin-DeleteAll-Quizzes3
  5. CourseAdmin-DeleteAll-Quizzes4
  6. CourseAdmin-DeleteAll-Quizzes5
  7. CourseAdmin-DeleteAll-Quizzes6

Deleting Dropbox Activities

  1. Go to the Dropbox tool in your course
  2. CourseAdmin-DeleteAll-Dropbox1
  3. CourseAdmin-DeleteAll-Dropbox2
  4. CourseAdmin-DeleteAll-Dropbox3

Deleting Gradebook Items

  1. Go to the Grades tool in your course
  2. CourseAdmin-DeleteAll-Grades1
  3. CourseAdmin-DeleteAll-Grades2
  4. CourseAdmin-DeleteAll-Grades3

Deleting Discussion Forums and Topics

  1. Go to the Discussions tool in your course.
  2. CourseAdmin-DeleteAll-Discussions1
  3. CourseAdmin-DeleteAll-Discussions2

Deleting News Items

  1. Go to your Course Home.
  2. CourseAdmin-DeleteAll-News1
  3. CourseAdmin-DeleteAll-News2
  4. CourseAdmin-DeleteAll-News3

Things to Remember

Note that even if you delete Discussion Forums and Topics, you can restore them at any time (they are never really gone).  This is the same for Dropbox activities.

NEW: Assignment Feedback Notifications for Students in D2L!

You’ve been asking for it, and D2L has listened! Students can now sign up for notifications (email or instant message) of released and updated  Dropbox (soon to be called Assignments) feedback!

To sign up for these (and other) notifications:

  1. Log into D2L.
  2. Click your name (at the top right).
    Click your name
  3. Click Notifications.

    Click Notifications

  4. Scroll down and select the Email box (or the SMS box if you have registered your mobile number) for Dropbox – assignment feedback released and/or Dropbox – assignment feedback updated. Click Save.

    Select the two Dropbox Feedback options and click Save

Note that next month (May), the Dropbox tool will be renamed Assignments.

NEW: Assignment Feedback Notifications for Students in D2L!

You’ve been asking for it, and D2L has listened! Students can now sign up for notifications (email or instant message) of released and updated  Dropbox (soon to be called Assignments) feedback!

To sign up for these (and other) notifications:

  1. Log into D2L.
  2. Click your name (at the top right).
    Click your name
  3. Click Notifications.

    Click Notifications

  4. Scroll down and select the Email box (or the SMS box if you have registered your mobile number) for Dropbox – assignment feedback released and/or Dropbox – assignment feedback updated. Click Save.

    Select the two Dropbox Feedback options and click Save

Note that next month (May), the Dropbox tool will be renamed Assignments.

Upcoming eLearning Workshops

Well, we made it – it’s Spring Workshop time!!  So, every Monday I will be letting you know what is coming up in the next couple of weeks for eLearning workshops.  You can register at    If you have any questions, email me, Emily, at

Hope to see you!

Lansdowne Workshops

What’s new in D2L: Monday, May 6, 10:00-11:30am, Room Ewing 110

  • Designed for instructors who have previously taught with D2L, this workshop will focus on the new features available in the recent upgrade. This session will focus on new functionality and some of the benefits for faculty and learners.

Introducing D2L to your Students: Tuesday, May 7, 10:00-11:30am, Room Ewing 110

  • Using D2L, but not sure how comfortable your students are with it? Come and find out what other faculty at Camosun are doing to introduce D2L to their students.

Interurban D2L Workshops

Getting Started with D2L (New Instructors): Friday, May 3, 10:00-11:30am, LACC235

  • This workshop will provide you with an overview of the essential teaching tools available in our learning management system, D2L. Participants will be able to take away a practical, course development checklist to assist with learning D2L. Whether you are looking to supplement your face-to-face classes, transition from using a basic course website or simply want to learn more about how to enhance your current teaching methodologies with using D2L, this workshop has a little something for everyone. Come explore the possibilities!

What’s New in D2L (for instructors with D2L experience): Friday, May 3, 1:30-3:00pm, LACC235

  • Designed for instructors who have previously taught with D2L, this workshop will focus on the new features available in D2L. This session will focus on new functionality and some of the benefits for faculty and learners.

Introduction to Kaltura (Streaming Media at Camosun): Information Session: Monday, May 6, 10:30-11:30am, LACC235

  • Kaltura is a streaming media tool that is coming to Camosun. This means faculty and students will now have a place to create, edit, and house their course-related videos. Kaltura also integrates with D2L.  Come find out more about what Kaltura is, what it can do, how you can use it for your courses and when it will be available.

Course Spring Cleaning: Thursday, May 9, 10:00-11:30am, LACC235

  • This workshop will focus on setting up (or refining) your course homepage, widgets, navigation and themes. We’ll also show you some best practices surrounding course maintenance (cleaning up manage files & question libraries) and how to manage release dates associated with your course from one central location in D2L (saving you time!).

Working with Master Courses and Development Sites: Friday, May 10, 10:00-11:30am, LACC235

  • This workshop will highlight various models and collaboration strategies used by faculty to support the development, use and maintenance of master courses and development sites in D2L. Come learn how master courses are being used to share content, resources, teaching strategies, activities and assessments.

Upcoming eLearning Workshops

Well, we made it – it’s Spring Workshop time!!  So, every Monday I will be letting you know what is coming up in the next couple of weeks for eLearning workshops.  You can register at    If you have any questions, email me, Emily, at

Hope to see you!

Lansdowne Workshops

What’s new in D2L: Monday, May 6, 10:00-11:30am, Room Ewing 110

  • Designed for instructors who have previously taught with D2L, this workshop will focus on the new features available in the recent upgrade. This session will focus on new functionality and some of the benefits for faculty and learners.

Introducing D2L to your Students: Tuesday, May 7, 10:00-11:30am, Room Ewing 110

  • Using D2L, but not sure how comfortable your students are with it? Come and find out what other faculty at Camosun are doing to introduce D2L to their students.

Interurban D2L Workshops

Getting Started with D2L (New Instructors): Friday, May 3, 10:00-11:30am, LACC235

  • This workshop will provide you with an overview of the essential teaching tools available in our learning management system, D2L. Participants will be able to take away a practical, course development checklist to assist with learning D2L. Whether you are looking to supplement your face-to-face classes, transition from using a basic course website or simply want to learn more about how to enhance your current teaching methodologies with using D2L, this workshop has a little something for everyone. Come explore the possibilities!

What’s New in D2L (for instructors with D2L experience): Friday, May 3, 1:30-3:00pm, LACC235

  • Designed for instructors who have previously taught with D2L, this workshop will focus on the new features available in D2L. This session will focus on new functionality and some of the benefits for faculty and learners.

Introduction to Kaltura (Streaming Media at Camosun): Information Session: Monday, May 6, 10:30-11:30am, LACC235

  • Kaltura is a streaming media tool that is coming to Camosun. This means faculty and students will now have a place to create, edit, and house their course-related videos. Kaltura also integrates with D2L.  Come find out more about what Kaltura is, what it can do, how you can use it for your courses and when it will be available.

Course Spring Cleaning: Thursday, May 9, 10:00-11:30am, LACC235

  • This workshop will focus on setting up (or refining) your course homepage, widgets, navigation and themes. We’ll also show you some best practices surrounding course maintenance (cleaning up manage files & question libraries) and how to manage release dates associated with your course from one central location in D2L (saving you time!).

Working with Master Courses and Development Sites: Friday, May 10, 10:00-11:30am, LACC235

  • This workshop will highlight various models and collaboration strategies used by faculty to support the development, use and maintenance of master courses and development sites in D2L. Come learn how master courses are being used to share content, resources, teaching strategies, activities and assessments.

Educational Technology User Group’s 25th Anniversary Conference!

Another re-blog for you, this time about the Educational Technology User Group’s (ETUG’s) 25th Anniversary Conference “Back to the Future” which will take place at Thomson Rivers University in Kamloops, June 20 and 21.  Check it out and register soon – hope to see you there!

ETUG 25th Anniversary Conference


How long will you have access to your course site? A Student D2L Tutorial

It’s the end of the term, and if you are a Camosun student whose courses use D2L, you may be wondering how long you will have access to your course site, and what to do if you want to keep materials from your course.

Due to how D2L integrates with the college’s systems, student have access to their D2L course sites for 20 days after the official course end dates. If you have an accommodation need (i.e., through the Centre for Accessible Learning) for extended access, talk to your instructor who will then confer with eLearning around options for you.

Before you lose access, you may want to save content or other items from your course site for future reference, so I’ll walk you through some of the options for this.

First, you can print or save files from the Content area. To do this:

  1. Go to the Content tool in your D2L course.

To print documents (WORD, PDF, PPT)

  1. In the Table of Contents box, click on the title of the Module containing the files/pages you want to print.

    Click the title of the Module you want to print from

  2. Click on the title of the content page you want to print.

    Click on the title of the content page you want to print.

  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the content page and click the Download button to save the file to your computer, then open it in the appropriate program (for example, WORD or PowerPoint) and print the document from there.

    Click Download

To print multiple pages of Content

  1. In the Table of Contents box, click on the title of the Module you want to work with.

    Click the title of the Module you want to print from

  2. Click the Download button at the top of the page. The files in the Module will be “compressed” into a zip file, which you can save onto your computer, and then unzip into separate files which you can then print.

    Click Download

You can also print your Gradebook, or use the print function to save your Gradebook as a PDF file. To do this:

  1. Go to the Grades tool in your D2L course.
  2. Click Print (at the top, right of your Grades area).

    Click Print

  3. Select your printer, or change the Destination to PDF to save your Gradebook as a PDF file on your device. Click Print.

    Select Printer and click Print

To save Discussion posts, you can print threads by:

  1. Go to the Discussions tool in your D2L course.
  2. Click on the Topic you want to print from.

    Click the Topic

  3. Click on the Thread you want to print.

    Click the Thread

  4. Click on the down arrow next to the Thread title, and select Print Thread.

    Select Print Thread

  5. Select your printer, or change the Destination to PDF to save the Thread as a PDF file on your device. Click Print.

    Select printer and click Print

Make sure to download any feedback files you may have received from your instructor in the Dropbox tool by:

  1. Go to the Dropbox tool in your D2L course.
  2. In the Evaluation Status column, click the Read link to go to the feedback you wish to print.

    Click the Read link

  3. Scroll down to the Attached Files, and click Download All Files to save the feedback files to your device.

    Click Download All Files

  4. If you have graded Rubrics attached as feedback to your Dropbox submission, you will need to print them (or print them as a PDF to save to your device) by using the Print function in your Internet browser.

Note that you will not be able to save any Quizzes you completed.

If you have questions about saving any other information from your course site, talk to your instructor.

Releasing Final Grades (with Adjustments) – A D2L Tutorial


It’s that time of year again.  Your grades are all entered in D2L and you want to finalize the Final Grades.  This tutorial will cover the steps involved when you wish to get your Final Calculated Grade ready to release to your students (including adjusting grades as needed). For further information, please contact for assistance.


  1. Go to the Grades tool in your course, and make sure you are in the Enter Grades.
  2. Click on the down arrow next to the Final Grade (Calculated or Adjusted) and select Grade All.Click the down arrow nect to Final Grade and select Grade All
  3. First, you want to transfer all the Final Calculated Grades into the Final Adjusted Grade column. To do this, click on the down arrow next to the title Final Grades, and select Transfer All.Click the down arrow next to Final Grades and select Transfer All
  4. Click Yes in the Confirmation pop-up box to continue.In the Confirmation box, click Yes
  5. Your Final Calculated Grades will be transferred into the Final Adjusted Grade column. To then release the Final Grades, move on to Step 6 below. If you do NOT want to release the grades at this time, click Save and Close. The final grades will be saved, but NOT released to students.Click Save and Close
  6. To release your Final Grades, click on the select box at the top of the student grade table to select all students.Select all students
  7. Click Release/Unrelease. You will then see checkmarks in the Release Final Adjusted Grade column. Click Save and Close. Click Yes in the pop-up box that appears.Click Release/Unrelease, then click Save
  8. You will then see the Final Adjusted Grades in the Enter Grades table, with open eye icons, indicating that those grades are now released to your students.The Final Adjusted Grades are now released

Things to Remember

As alluded to in Step 5, if you are not finalizing the grades for all your students at one time, you can set and save your Final Adjusted Grades without releasing them, and then release them once you have finalized all your students’ grades.


Releasing Final Grades (with Adjustments) – A D2L Tutorial


It’s that time of year again.  Your grades are all entered in D2L and you want to finalize the Final Grades.  This tutorial will cover the steps involved when you wish to get your Final Calculated Grade ready to release to your students (including adjusting grades as needed). For further information, please contact for assistance.


  1. Go to the Grades tool in your course, and make sure you are in the Enter Grades.
  2. Click on the down arrow next to the Final Grade (Calculated or Adjusted) and select Grade All.Click the down arrow nect to Final Grade and select Grade All
  3. First, you want to transfer all the Final Calculated Grades into the Final Adjusted Grade column. To do this, click on the down arrow next to the title Final Grades, and select Transfer All.Click the down arrow next to Final Grades and select Transfer All
  4. Click Yes in the Confirmation pop-up box to continue.In the Confirmation box, click Yes
  5. Your Final Calculated Grades will be transferred into the Final Adjusted Grade column. To then release the Final Grades, move on to Step 6 below. If you do NOT want to release the grades at this time, click Save and Close. The final grades will be saved, but NOT released to students.Click Save and Close
  6. To release your Final Grades, click on the select box at the top of the student grade table to select all students.Select all students
  7. Click Release/Unrelease. You will then see checkmarks in the Release Final Adjusted Grade column. Click Save and Close. Click Yes in the pop-up box that appears.Click Release/Unrelease, then click Save
  8. You will then see the Final Adjusted Grades in the Enter Grades table, with open eye icons, indicating that those grades are now released to your students.The Final Adjusted Grades are now released

Things to Remember

As alluded to in Step 5, if you are not finalizing the grades for all your students at one time, you can set and save your Final Adjusted Grades without releasing them, and then release them once you have finalized all your students’ grades.


Minister of Advanced Education announces big investment in Open Education in BC!!

I don’t normally do re-blogs, but this is big news for BC Post-Secondary educators working (or wanting to work) with Open Education Resources.  If you want to know more about Open Education Resources and how to create them or integrate them into your teaching, come see us in eLearning!  Contact to arrange to meet with an instructional designer.

More open textbooks arriving on student bookshelves