Grading Assignments Using Rubrics in D2L

Starting to use Rubrics in D2L?  This tutorial is for faculty who have previous experience using the Assignments tool in D2L, and will walk through attaching a Rubric, grading using a Rubric, and showing you what students see as well. NOTE: Make sure you have created your rubric(s) in the Rubrics tool first!

Steps for Attaching Rubrics to Assignments

  1. Go to the Assignments tool in your course.
  2. Click the down arrow next to the title of the Assignment you wish attach a Rubric to, and select Edit Folder.Select Edit Folder
  3. In the Edit Folder area, scroll down to the Evaluation and Feedback area, then click Add Rubric (NOTE: we advise creating your Rubrics in the Rubrics tool first, then attaching them to other tools).Click Add Rubric
  4. In the Select Rubric pop-up, select the Rubric you wish to attach, and click Add Selected.Select Rubric and click Add Selected
  5. Your Rubric will now appear under the Add Rubric Finish editing your Assignment, and then click Save and Close.Click Save and Close

Steps for Grading Assignments Using Attached Rubrics

  1. Go to the Assignments tool in your course.
  2. Click on the title of the Assignment you wish to see submissions for.Click the Assignment title
  3. Click the Evaluate link for the student you wish to assess.Click Evaluate
  4. Click the Rubric link under Evaluation and Feedback.Click the Rubric link
  5. In the Rubric’s pop-up, click the cells for the feedback you wish to leave (checkmarks will appear indicating you have selected those cells), click Add Feedback for any criteria you wish to add custom feedback for, then click Close.Select cells and add feedback, then click Close.
  6. For Points rubrics, the rubric will then automatically generate a grade for the Assignment. Click Publish or Save Draft, and move on to the next student’s assignment.Click Publish or Save Draft

What Students See when Viewing Rubrics in Assignments before Grading

  1. Go to the Assignments tool in your course.
  2. Click on the title of the Assignment.Click the Assignment title
  3. Click Show Rubrics to open the Rubric.Click Show Rubrics
  4. The Rubric will then appear for students to review.Rubric appears for review

What Students See when Viewing Rubrics in Assignments after Grading

  1. Go to the Assignments tool in your course.
  2. Click link under Feedback in the Evaluation Status column (here the link is Unread).Click the feedback link
  3. The Rubric will open and students can review their feedback, then click Done.Review feedback and click Done

Things to Remember

Only Points and Percentages rubrics will adjust the score in an Assignment. Text only rubrics will only generate text-based feedback, and you will have to add a score manually in the Submissions area if the Assignment has a grade.

Re-Introduction to the Open Edtech Collaborative (OpenETC)

Today I am beginning a series of posts about the Open EdTech Collaborative (OpenETC). I’ve posted about OpenETC before, but as people settle into what is turning into a new realm for teaching and learning at post-secondary institutions in B.C. (not just pandemic panic, but the realization that teaching and learning online is viable and worth the investment in time, training, and resources) you should know that the OpenETC offers services and tools that can help you enhance your courses, as well as open them to the world. So, in this first post, I am going to re-introduce you to the OpenETC.

To lift the excellent description from their main site, the OpenETC is “a community of educators, technologists, and designers sharing their expertise to foster and support open infrastructure for the BC post-secondary sector. No contracts or agreements are required to join us, just a willingness and ability to actively participate in our collective endeavor to:

  • encourage technological autonomy and provide ways for students, faculty and institutions to own and control their own data.
  • lower the barrier to participation on the open web for BC faculty and students.
  • provide a more sustainable ed tech infrastructure to BC higher education that gives institutions more control over their tools.  Institutions are currently at the mercy of vendor pricing, upgrade cycles, and exit strategies.  This puts institutions at a certain degree of risk when there are changes to any of the variables beyond their control.  Open-source approaches reduce the risk to institutions in this regard.
  • assist BC faculty in evaluating and making informed pedagogical decisions around open-source teaching and learning applications.”

If you are associated with a post secondary institution in BC (faculty, staff, student), you can sign up for an Open ETC account and try out the tools they support, like WordPress, Sandstorm (a collection of open source applications) or Mattermost (an open-source messaging platform), which are hosted on BC servers, and thus FIPPA compliant. Make sure to review their Code of Conduct and Terms of Use (collaboratively created by the OpenETC community) before joining, and if you would like to become a more active member of the OpenETC community, you can join their Mattermost channel.

I’ll be talking more about their tools, as well as about the folks and institutions that support them, in subsequent posts. And just so you know, this blog, as well as our Camosun Tutorials site, is on the OpenETC WordPress instance!

If you work at Camosun College and want to know more about OpenETC and its tools (in particular, WordPress as we are beginning to point faculty to the OpenETC WordPress instance for their blogs and websites), contact Emily Schudel, instructional designer, eLearning (as well as an institutional lead for OpenETC) (

Allow Students to Retake Incorrect Questions Only in a Quiz

There is a new setting available in Quizzes, which allows you to set an additional attempt on a quiz to only show students the questions they answered incorrectly in the previous attempt. New Attempt feature in Quizzes (to only do incorrect answers). And cautions (about grade export and conditions).

When this setting is selected, learners who attempt a quiz more than once can only answer questions that were incorrect on the previous attempt.  You will find this setting under the Assessment tab when editing a quiz, and here is what this setting looks like:

Retake Incorrect Questions Only setting

Some things to note:

First, if you are sending the grade from the quiz to the Grades tool, choosing First Attempt will ensure that the grade does not change when a student completed a second (or third, etc.) attempt. If you choose Highest Attempt, the system will add the grades from the first and second attempt (etc.) together, for example if the student received 2/5 on the first attempt, and answered 2 more questions correctly on the second attempt, they will receive 4/5 in the gradebook. If you choose Average of all Attempts, each subsequent attempt will mean a new average will be generated, for example if the student received 2/5 on the first attempt, then answered 1 more question correct on the second attempt, their grade in the Grades tool will change from 2/5 to 2.5/5.

Second, if you conditionally release other activities to a Quiz grade, that condition will be dependent on how you have set the grading for the attempts. So, if a student gets 2/5 on their first attempt, and the First Attempt is set as the overall grade for that quiz (whether or not it is sent to the Grades), and if a release condition is set for completion of that quiz with a mark greater than 60%, this student will never be able meet that condition, even if they eventually get a 4/5 on a subsequent attempt.

Third, if you include Written Response questions, they will be marked as 0 and included in future attempts until they are graded manually.

Finally, while this may seem like a good setting for self-assessment quizzes, sometimes it’s better to let students do all the questions multiple times as they may have gotten an answer correct accidently the first time, and this setting will not present that question again.

Questions?  Contact to book an appointment with an instructional designer

Rubrics in D2L

I wanted to take a moment to update you on where we are at as we begin to create new tutorials for the Rubrics tool in D2L.

Rubrics in D2L can be attached to Assignments, Discussions, or Grades.  When you integrate a Rubric in D2L, the grade you assign on the Rubric automatically becomes the grade for the assessment it is attached to.

There are 2 kinds of Rubrics you can set up in D2L:  Holistic and Analytic.

  • Holistic – Performance is assessed holistically, LEVELS only, with multiple criteria being assessed at once.  For tasks where it is not easy to evaluate performance on one criterion independently of performance on a different criterion. For example, many writing rubrics are holistic because it is not always easy to disentangle clarity from organization or content from presentation.
  • Analytic – Most rubrics are analytic. An analytic rubric breaks performance into multiple criteria. You assess each criterion separately, resulting in an overall assessment score. For example, an analytic rubric for assessing essays could have separate criterion for spelling, grammar, and expression.

Note that once a Rubric has been attached to something (assignment, discussion, grade item) it can NOT be deleted!

So far, we have finished 3 rubric tutorials (which can also be found on our Tutorials site).  Check them out here as well!

Have questions about rubrics, want to know how to add your own rubrics to D2L, or just need some help?  Contact to arrange for a consult with an instructional designer.

BCcampus Events

Just a reminder that BCcampus hosts some amazing online events that are available for post-secondary educators across B.C., and mostly free!

Some sessions to check out:

FLO Zoom sandbox sessions – want to try out some Zoom features in a safe an helpful environment?  These sessions will be for you!

FLO Fridays – fun and inspiration as you explore a variety of online learning activities

Miss a session?  You can review recordings of past sessions, as well as access resources, by clicking on the Past Events Archives button.

Check out the complete list (and registration) at BCcampus Events.


Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning Bulletin for January 2021

Happy New Year, and welcome to 2021!

In this bulletin from the Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning please find articles, links, and learning opportunities that may be of interest to you. For general information please contact CETL . For information specifically about online teaching, contact eLearning.

Note that registration is restricted to Camosun College employees.

 “Teaching occurs only when learning takes place.”
― from What the best college teachers do by Ken Bain

 eLearning workshops (Registration required)

Welcome to the eLearning Team’s offerings to support the start-up of winter term, providing training related to Camosun’s core educational technologies. Get descriptions and register here.

Workshop dates Times Topics
Monday, January 4 1:00pm- 2:00pm D2L Overview
Tuesday, January 5 10:00am-11:00am Introduction to Blackboard Collaborate Ultra
Tuesday, January 5 1:00pm – 2:00pm D2L Course Set-up
Thursday, January 7 10:00am-11:00am Setting Up Your Gradebook in D2L
Friday, January 8 10:00am-11:00am Increasing Your Proficiency in Blackboard Collaborate

eLearning resources

·         Online learning tips for students Share this with your students at the beginning of term!

·         Privacy considerations for online teaching

·         Guidance for remote instruction

D2L Change Notice

As part of Colleague Renewal, there will be a new integration between D2L and Colleague. The most immediate change will impact some of the communication tools. The roll out will happen in phases, starting in January, then March, then summer. Find out more

Other CETL learning opportunites

 Planning ahead for spring SD 

 Stay tuned for the following online learning opportunities coming in spring 2021:

 Camosun Communities of Practice

 Check out our MS Teams Communities of Practice site. This is a peer-based virtual space for synchronous and asynchronous conversation, connection, resource sharing and more, including channels for:

Synchronous and asynchronous online course design and delivery

As you move into thinking more about how you want to teach online in the Winter, and even moving forward into Spring and Summer next year, we would like you to consider flexible delivery options to support your students in engaging with your course content and activities.

  • Synchronous design and delivery = “at the same time”. Instructors and students meet online in real time through videoconferencing or live chatting, typically on a weekly basis. Instructors may deliver virtual office hours, course check-ins or focused sessions on complex content or troubleshooting.
  • Asynchronous design and delivery = “not at the same time”. Students can work through course materials, assessments and activities at their own pace or within a prescribed/suggested time frame. E.g. They may be required to participate in a discussion activity over a seven day period when it is convenient for them or work through interactive self-paced activities and receive automated feedback.
  • Flexible design and delivery = incorporating a variety of delivery approaches so that students have a choice in how, when, and where they study. Instructors can define how much structure to integrate into the experience for students and often the goal is to strike a balance.

As we continue to transition courses to an online environment, faculty will need to rethink the role that both synchronous and asynchronous delivery approaches play in creating effective flexible online learning experiences for students. It is evident that neither approach is perfect; there are pros and cons to both modalities for online delivery. Increasingly faculty are opting for an approach that incorporates both delivery formats and enables faculty to be more flexible and responsive to the diversity of learner needs. Ultimately, deciding on your approach will depend on your learners, the curriculum, course materials and your time and capacity as an instructor and other contextual factors. If we consider designing online courses that incorporate the strengths of both asynchronous and synchronous delivery models, we can create experiences that enable both flexibility and structure to co-exist, thus creating a more enrichening teaching and learning environment for students and instructors.

Learn more! Creating flexible learning experiences through asynchronous and synchronous delivery approaches is a Camosun resource developed by the eLearning team which highlights some key elements to consider when determining your delivery strategy.

Below are some additional articles for consideration:

Some Changes Coming to Camosun’s D2L

Camosun College is updating its integration with the Colleague student information system. Faculty and Students will notice changes to some of the D2L communications tools as a result of this update.  And there are also some exciting (and long awaited) changes coming up!!

January, 2021


As of January 2021, the D2L Email tool will be limited to student-instructor communications only. Students will no longer be able to communicate with each other through this tool. This change has been made in order to protect students’ personal information.

Students will continue to have access to their historical emails but will not have the ability to reply to or forward those messages.


Students will have access to a new Message tool in D2L that will enable students to connect with other students from within D2L. The Message tool has replaced the existing Pager tool.

Audio Note (the Record Audio button)

Audio Note recording time has now been increased to 5 minutes.

March, 2021

“Chosen names” for students and faculty (also sometimes called “preferred names) will be available in Colleague and will cascade into the D2L Classlist.

Data updates between Colleague and D2L will occur in real time (meaning that if a student registers late, they will immediately have access to D2L and not have to wait until the next day).

Summer, 2021

An option to export grades directly from D2L to Colleague will be available.  More information on this change will be available closer to its availability – stay tuned!


The tutorial for how to use the Message tool is now available on the eLearning Tutorials at Camosun site.

For more information or questions, contact

eLearning Drop-ins for December

The eLearning team will be offering scheduled drop-in sessions for faculty needing support with D2L, Collaborate, Kaltura, Assessments, and Final Grades. Come to the sessions with your questions, curiosities, and dilemmas and we will be happy to help you with them. These sessions are not formal workshops; instead, sessions will respond to the needs of those who participate. The sessions are organized around specific tools, but we will do our best to answer any questions that participants have. No registration is needed.

You can join the sessions through the Collaborate link on the nav bar in the D2L On-Demand course or email Emily Schudel for a link.

Drop-in Dates Times Topics
Tuesday, December 1 11am-12pm D2L Dilemmas
Thursday, December 3 2-3pm Final Exam Setup
Tuesday, December 8 2-3pm Releasing Final Grades in D2L
Thursday, December 10 10-11am Final Exam Setup
Tuesday, December 15 11am-12pm Releasing Final Exams in D2L
Thursday, December 17 2pm-3pm Final Exam Setup
Tuesday, December 22 11am-12pm Releasing Final Grades in D2L

eLearning resources

More eLearning Workshops Coming!

Getting ready for the end of term?  Preparing to teach online this winter?  eLearning has drop-ins and workshops for you!  Welcome to the eLearning Team’s offerings to support the start-up of the winter term (note: the first day of classes is January 6, 2021).

These workshops will provide faculty with training related to Camosun’s core educational technologies:

  • Desire2Learn (D2L) – Learning Management System
  • Blackboard Collaborate Ultra – Web Conferencing
  • Kaltura – Video Streaming Service

You can go to the registration form to register for one or multiple workshops.  If you are unable to attend the workshops and need assistance, contact eLearning Support, and you will be connected with an instructional designer.

D2L Overview

Description: This workshop will provide you with an overview of the essential teaching tools available in our learning management system, D2L Brightspace.

Date & Time: Wednesday, November 18 from 10:00-11:00am
Date & Time: Monday, January 4 from 1:00- 2:00pm

D2L Course Set-up

Description: This workshop will focus on setting up your course for Day 1. We will demonstrate how to copy course components (from your DEV or MASTER course to your LIVE offering), customize your homepage, apply a course banner, create a welcome news item and streamline your navigation bar.

Date & Time: Wednesday, November 25 from 10:00 -11:00am
Date & Time: Tuesday, January 5 from 1:00 – 2:00pm

Setting Up Your Gradebook in D2L

Description: This workshop will focus on the basics of setting up a Gradebook from start to finish. We will provide you with an overview of key functionality while also sharing some best practices.

Date & Time: Wednesday, Dec 9 from 1:00pm-2:00pm
Date & Time: Thursday, January 7 from 10:00-11:00am

Introduction to Blackboard Collaborate Ultra

Description: Collaborate is a web-conferencing tool that integrates with D2L. This session will provide you with a basic overview of the tools and functions within Collaborate as well as provide instructors with tips on how to use this tool to connect with students and facilitate effective learning experiences.

Date & Time: Tuesday, January 5 from 10:00-11:00am

Increasing Your Proficiency in Blackboard Collaborate Ultra

Description: Are you looking for an opportunity to practise using Collaborate tools such as File Share, Groups and Polls before using these tools in a live class? Then, this advanced workshop is for you. It will provide you with a demonstration of how to use these tools as well as some hands-on time to practice to increase your comfort level with Collaborate. Each session will be limited to 8 participants.

Date & Time: Wednesday, November 25 from 1:00-2:00pm
Date & Time: Thursday, December 17 from 10:00-11:00am
Date & Time: Friday, January 8 from 10:00-11:00am

Integrating D2L and Collaborate: Best Practices in Online Blended Teaching

Description: Planning for Winter term? Looking for ways to use D2L and Collaborate in your teaching? This workshop will introduce you to the amazing world of facilitation in an online blended environment. Come share your ideas and challenges!

Date & Time: Tuesday, November 24 from 2:00-3:00pm
Date & Time: Wednesday, December 2 from 10:00-11:00am

Creating Great Kaltura Capture Videos

Description: Kaltura Capture is a desktop recorder that is part of the Kaltura Streaming Media service that enables instructors and students to create videos that capture web cams, screens, and audio. This session will provide you with an in-depth overview of the tools and tips on how to create effective videos.

Date & Time: Friday, November 27 from 1:00-2:00pm